Tagged: Carol Malone


Finding My Own “Why?” by Carol Malone

This month, I’m writing about my trial and error in determining my own “Why.” This is one of the toughest mental experiences of my life – identifying “Why” I do what I do.


What is Your Why? By Carol Malone

I recently heard a speaker say, “unless you discover your WHY, you’ll never become the person you were meant to be.” This disturbed me.


Are You Positive? by Carol Malone

I don’t know if you’re like me, but watching all the disasters taking place recently has left me feeling forlorn for the loss of life and property, and less than positive about the future.


Are You Out Of Focus? by Carol Malone

I was cleaning off all my emails the other day when I was suddenly struck with the number of emails I receive from my favorite writing gurus and educators. I subscribed to a variety of them and the glut of email messages they send me on any given day is overwhelming.


Are You A Victim of Goal Setting? by Carol Malone

In a previous article, I explained how the whole notion of goal setting and I got off in the wrong foot. I feared the whole system of goal setting and didn’t trust myself to know what goal to set nor how to accomplish it.


Life’s Worse Experiences Can Be Gold? by Carol Malone

I adore watching the Olympics mostly because I love to watch the segments the reporters do on the athlete’s journey to win Olympic gold, or to just participate. Most, if not all, have had horrific challenges to overcome in their lives, and they were willing to share those experiences to the benefit of other Olympic hopefuls and the viewers. I especially love those who have overcome personally defeats and tragedies to rise to a individual victory.
