Tagged: Book Promotion

The Torah Codes by Ezra Barany 3

Author Entrepreneur: Do You Make The Time to Succeed?

Many authors think that the writing and publishing is the hard part. But actually your work is just getting started. Are you making time to market, connect with your readers, or even communicate to your readers and tell the world that your cool book is available or soon will be?! If you just take a few steps regularly — 15 to 30 minutes a day — you’ll find more readers, create more opportunities for people to tell their friends about you and ultimately sell more books!


Social Media Tip for Authors #8: Reciprocate

Many authors think that social media is like traditional advertising, all shouting at ya’ . But it’s not. Social media is social, which means authors succeed at it when we listen and give back. If you just listen deeply to your audience and talk about the things that are important to them then you will be included in their tribe and they will want to buy your book.


How to Sell to Libraries – Top 10 Strategies for Independent Authors and Publishers

Welcome to the Monday series on Resources for Indie Authors. This week I feature an guest post from Dana Lynn Smith, book marketing coach and author. Thanks Dana! All resources I use and cull from my life as an Independent Publishing Consultant and Book Coach, published author, and indie author in fiction! I’ve used some of these ideas to get featured in my local library.


Write Short, Write on Twitter.com

140 characters. That’s it. No more. No less. Why? It’s fun, it’s short, and you can write some interesting stuff in 140 characters. To learn more about Twitter.com, check out these resources: NY Times...
