Category: Events

Books are Our Legacy 0

Books are Our Legacy

Monday, December 13th, 7:00pm-9:45pm: Beth Barany December keynote speaker: creator of the Writer’s Adventure Guide and Editor & Creativity Coach for Writers, Beth Barany ( Books are Our Legacy: How to Get Started on Yours...


Write What You Know, Teach What You Know

Writing is a form of teaching. I’m a teacher who loves to write. I’m a writer who loves to teach. Which am I? Both. Quantum entanglement, my husband, the high school physics teacher, would say.


Write Your Book with the Writer’s Adventure Guide

We are all on an adventure – this thing called “life.” At least that’s what I believe. And for me, writing is an adventure, and adventure spells fun. Some people go white water rafting or jump out of airplanes. I write books. That’s my kind of adventure.


A Creative in Business: You as the Hero on This Journey

I’ll be speaking at the 1st Annual Creativity Conference, October 4-5, 2008, Lake George, New York. My topic will be: Title: A Creative in Business: You as the Hero on This Journey
Description: Start from where you are.
