Category: Author Career


Passion and Voice: An Excerpt from Making Your Creative Mark by Eric Maisel

A logical — and vital — relationship exists between passion and voice. It is very hard to be passionate about what you’re doing if you haven’t found your voice as an artist. Imagine being forced to sing an octave too high or an octave too low, straining to hit notes that you can’t really hit and that aren’t natural to you. It would be very hard to be passionate about singing in that situation.


The Art of Reinvention as an Author by Janey Fraser

What do you do if you STILL haven’t got published after years of trying? Or if you’ve been published and your sales figures are slipping? Even worse – in some authors’ books – what’s the best tactic if your publishers fail to renew your contract?


Making Your Book Into an Audiobook for Extra Cash (Part 2 of 3) by Liz Adams

Last time I shared with you how I got started with turning my book into an audiobook with ACX. In this post, I’ll share with you my interaction with the technician as we created the audiobook from my ebook.

Once ACX said my book was eligible for a stipend to cover the costs of recording, my book was posted on ACX among all the other books covered by a stipend for the recording producers to see. The recording producers get to select which books they’d like to record, if they see one that looks good.
