How to Get What You Want by Alara Castell

Enjoy this guest post from fun, bubbly and oh-so-practical, Alara Castell! Useful for all us Author Entrepreneurs!


I feel this post can relate to anything from finding a partner, to attracting more clients, to traveling, and the list goes on.

I literally just got back from Sydney, Australia this past Sunday. It was truly unexpected and unplanned. This is so not like me. I can be spontaneous in many ways, but when it comes to traveling my husband and I are very much planners.

On Wednesday evening, my husband found out he needed to travel for work to Australia, but he had to leave Sunday. It was completely last minute and his exact words were, “You’re going to Australia.”

I stood there in utter amazement that I was going to Australia. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve always wanted to go, in fact, it’s at the top of my list.

The reason I want to share this with you today, is because this has happened to me more than once where I get what I want and it feels like magic. That’s right I said magic!! A bit woo-woo, but I’m woo-woo so be it 🙂

Here is what has helped me get what I want:

Be Clear.  I put the intention verbally to others as well as on paper that I want to travel. That I see myself traveling more than once a year for work as well as for fun.

Feel It’s Done.  I kept day dreaming that I was in a plane, traveling, having fun like it was already done. I felt the ease of it all, the freedom and the excitement. I kept this feeling with me through my days.

Give Gratitude. I’ve been giving gratitude for everything in my life. I see the beauty in all even if it may seem ugly. This simple mindset change has really shifted my vibration of attracting what I want.

Trust. I trust the process of my journey, what has unfolded within each minute, hour and day, is what needed to happen. Every day I recite this mantra “I am a child of The Universe to listen, to be guided and to move with ease on this Earth. I am here for a purpose to be of service, to inspire, to empower, to love and to be loved.”

I’m sure you have had moments like this where something happened and it seemed like magic. I would love to hear from you. Please do share your story and leave a comment over on the blog. I love stories.


Alara Castell lights up at the opportunity to set others on fire with possibilities. In any endeavor Alara gives her whole heart and soul. Alara’s believes that a sure fire recipe for success already lies within everyone. It’s is Alara’s calling to help you bring forth that recipe so that you may share your gifts with the world.  Find Alara spinning her ingenious, inspired methods for a thriving business and life at

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