VIDEO for Writers: “The The Impotence of Proofreading” by TAYLOR MALI

Beth Barany here! Welcome back to Sunday Videos for Writers, where I post funny, insightful or useful videos for authors.

This week’s video was suggested by author, Alica Mckenna Johnson. Thank you! I LURVED it!


‪”The The Impotence of Proofreading” by TAYLOR MALI‬


What are your thoughts, opinions (not onions!) about proofreading? What tips do you have for other writers?


I love hearing from you! We love hearing from you! And to prove it and show my love and adoration, for the month of August, everyone who leaves a comment to this post and any post on the Writer’s Fun Zone I will enter your name in our giveaway. If you comment and link back to my blog on your blog, you’ll get your name in the giveaway twice. If you leave a comment and link back to my blog, and mention my books Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity or The Writer’s Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book in your blog, you get your name entered three times. What do you win? Book mentoring support from the newest member of our team, Book Mentor, Ezra Barany.

We will pick a winner every week for 30-minute complimentary consultation about your novel with Ezra. At the end of August we will pick a winner for the grand prize: A 60-minute complimentary consultation about your novel with Ezra. Good luck!

Note: We’re keeping all the names for a final GRAND, GRAND PRIZE of a complimentary ticket in Ezra’s year-long program Finish Your Page-Turning Novel launching January 2012. ($2,000 value) For now, we will draw weekly for 30-minute consult and monthly for a 60-minute consult.

Be sure to leave your email in the email field so we can contact you if you win.

In the meantime, we invite you to pick up copies of Beth Barany’s best-selling books Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity or The Writer’s Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book. Both books are like having a book coach at your side. Experienced and novice writers have said that these books have saved them time and avoided heartache, as well as helped them get their books done. And that it’s all about!

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  • Alica says:

    I love Taylor Mali- I’ve watched this video many times and I laugh every time. I’m glad it worked for your blog 🙂
    So my advice- get a critique group- in person if you can. Being able to talk things through- why something didn’t work, ways to make it better, etc. is invaluable. Don’t go with people who just praise you but really critique your work so you can have the best book possible. Also you can not edit your own work- always have someone else read it over for you!!

  • Carrie says:

    Oh my goodness…this guy is hysterical! Who is he? Hard to imagine him speaking “nomaly.”

  • Beth Barany says:

    Alica, Thanks again for your suggestion. I am now officially a Taylor Mali fan and have been spending the last hour watching ALL of his videos on YouTube. And thanks also for your proofreading and editing advice!!

    Carrie, Good to hear from you! Hope all is well! Taylor Mali is a performer Alica introduced me to. “Taylor Mali is a poet and teacher who travels the world writing poetry and teaching.” More about him here: I totally can’t imagine him speaking “nomaly.” In fact, one of his videos addresses how he speaks:

  • PJ Ferguson says:

    That is hilarious. I’m editing my fist book, and he’s sooooo write! Spell checker can only due so much 🙂

  • Beth Barany says:

    Pj, I know. He’s so HI-larious. I spint a few hours yesterday enjoying his videos and laughing, and sometimes crying, at his wonderful poems. He’s so masterful in his delivery and in his choice of … well everything! 🙂

  • Robin Moore says:

    Sew phoney! I mint funny.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Robin, I know — sew sew funny! Glad you enjoyed it. I like totally was ROFL!

  • I winna hear him idit meye own werk. Two guid two bee trew.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Arletta, And have him read your werk 2!

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