3 Tips To Get Ready for NaNoWriMo by Jordan Rosenfeld

Image of 3 Tips To Get Ready for NaNoWriMo with Jordan Rosenfeld

Enjoy these 3 Tips To Get Ready for NaNoWriMo by Jordan Rosenfeld. Jordan is a freelance manuscript editor and writing teacher.

Stay tuned for more NaNoWriMo prep tips coming!

When you plan your novel ahead of Nano, you can start writing with confidence and clarity. And finish strong!


1. Have at least a vague plot idea.

A lot of the advice for NaNoWriMo says it’s not a problem if you don’t have a plot or much more than an idea.

And while I’ve definitely had a lot of fun totally winging it, my most successful NaNos have been when I had at least a vague idea of a plot.

Even if it’s just “girl gets drawn into weird secret society.”

So, having at least a rough idea of a story and a main character will make it more likely that the story catches fire and keeps pulling you along when you start to wane.

2. Be fierce about your writing time.

Schedule it.

Call it work.

Duct tape the door to intruders.

Do NOT answer the phone, wash dishes, or suddenly decide to reorganize your closet.

The only way to get it done is to… get it done.

3. Take advantage of write-ins and writerly companionship.

Even just setting a time to write with a friend in your homes may be much more motivating than trying to power through it alone.

Then you can commiserate together as well, and congratulate each other’s milestones.


About Jordan Rosenfeld

Jordan Rosenfeld is author of the forthcoming novel Fallout (Running Wild Press), as well as the novels Women in Red and Forged in Grace and six books on writing craft, most recently, How to Write a Page-Turner. Her freelance articles and essays have appeared in hundreds of national publications such as The New York Times, The Rumpus, and Salon.com, Scientific American and more. She is a freelance manuscript editor and writing teacher. More at: Jordanrosenfeld.net.

Connect with Jordan: Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn


More novel planning tips and resources at PlanYourNovel.com



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  • Ian Worrall says:

    I’ve used the Book In A Month by Victoria Lynn Schmidt several times when doing NaNoWriMo. J Thorn’s 3 Story Method is also a good outlining book

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