Author Q&A with Bobby Nash
Please welcome Bobby Nash to our Featured Author Q&A series at Writer’s Fun Zone. Enjoy!
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About Bobby Nash
Bobby Nash is not a man of action, a detective, or a hero, but he loves writing about characters who are all those things and more. Bobby is an award-winning author of novels, comic books, short stories, screenplays, and more. He is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers and International Thriller Writers. On occasion, he acts, appearing in movies and TV shows, usually standing behind or beside your favorite actor. From time to time, he puts pen to paper and doodles. For more information on Bobby Nash and his work, please visit him at,, and across social media.
On to Our Interview!
Q: Tell us who you are and what inspires you to write.
A: Hi. I’m Bobby Nash. I started creating stories as a kid and the fun in crafting new characters and stories has stuck with me. I love coming up with them and have been lucky enough to be able to get many of them published.
I’m inspired by other creators and my own desire to succeed as a writer. Both keep me focused and working.
Q: How did you get to this place in your life? Share your story!
A: For the longest time, writing was a hobby. When the economy tanked back in 2009, I was laid off from my day job. I decided that, if I was ever going to give writing full-time a shot, this was it. It hasn’t always been easy, but I haven’t looked back. Thankfully, I’m in a position to write/publish full-time.
Q: What are you most passionate about?
A: In terms of writing, I am passionate about character and story. I love getting to know my characters and then drop them into a situation and see how they respond.
Outside of writing, I am passionate about trying to enjoy life. I like to travel. I enjoy meeting people. All of that has been difficult in the past couple of years, but I look forward to the day I can get back to doing conventions, events, and gatherings. I miss talking to people.
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your writing process, routine, and/or rituals around your writing?
A: I wish I could say I had a set routine. I try to write every day and most days I succeed in getting stuff done. Times vary, based on whatever else is going on. Like most writers, I am a master procrastinator. Once I get myself in the chair and working, the words start flowing pretty well.
With stories, I have loose plots. I know the main plot points I need to hit and then I send my characters in that direction and see how they get me there. Trusting the characters this way has shown me interesting twists and added depth to stories I hadn’t originally thought of before they happened. I find this a fun way to work. It’s not pantsing or plotting. Somewhere in the middle.
The most important thing is to write every day. That keeps me productive. Deadlines help too.
Q: What are a few challenges you faced in creating, marketing, or publishing your creative work? And your solutions to them.
A: I am self taught so I learned a lot of lessons by making mistakes. I had to learn how to promote, to market, to approach cons [conferences] and stores, to write press releases, build websites, etc. Each has its own unique challenges.
When I started, self-publishing was not a viable option like it is today so one of the biggest early hurdles for me was getting someone (agent, editor, publisher) to take a look at my work. That was tough. There are more options today, but I still work with publishers as well as DIY.
Q: What do you wish you had known before you started writing fiction?
A: I wish I had known that being a writer would be like running a small business. If I had, I would have focused on more business courses in college. I think there are potholes I could have sidestepped along the way. Same for marketing. I would have studied that as well. Both would have come in handy, I think.
Q: What’s next for you in your creative work?
A: As a hybrid author, I work for publishers and have a couple of novels and several short stories on tap for 2022, but I also run my own indie press called BEN Books. I have several projects slotted throughout 2022 that I will publish through BEN Books. It looks to be a pretty busy year.
Q: Is there anything else you wished I’d asked? Please share!
A: “What do you do when you aren’t writing?”
I also draw a bit and am a part time actor. Both of those are fun and I enjoy them. I look after my dad as well, which takes time each day. When there is free time, I usually read, watch TV, or sleep.
Such A Night – A Tom Myers Mystery by Bobby Nash
No one talks about it, but everybody knows what happens in the trailer on Dogwood Alley. Steve Conrad, Sommersville High’s star quarterback and all-around golden boy, headed to the trailer anticipating a night that would change his life. The last thing he expected was to witness a cold-blooded murder or to find himself chased by the killers.
When a brutal double homicide rocks Sommersville, the Sheriff’s department moves quickly to investigate. What Sheriff Tom Myers and his deputies discover is a decades old secret, deception, danger, back-door deals, and a betrayal that could rip their peaceful small town asunder.
Sheriff Tom Myers returns in SUCH A NIGHT, an all-new mystery/thriller from award-winning author Bobby Nash and BEN Books.
Fans of Justified and Longmire will find a lot to love in this series.
Available in paperback and ebook from BEN Books.
Connect with Bobby Nash
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Thanks again for the amazing interview. That was fun.
Glad you stopped by and shared with us about your creative process and about your latest book! Thanks!