Are you contracting or expanding yourself to market your books?

Are you contracting or expanding yourself to market your books? by Beth BaranyAre you contracting or expanding yourself to market your books? Read on…


My life changed the day I learned how to talk about myself as a novelist.

Up to that point, I felt overwhelmed, tiny, and invisible.

I was *just* a novelist — nobody special — even though I had worked my butt off to write a good novel — all that sweat, tears, and so many rewrites.

But here I was faced with writing something that I could use in a bio and that I could say to people when they asked me, “What do you write?”

And I froze and felt myself shrink.

I didn’t know how to answer that.

Yet intellectually, I knew I could do this daunting task: talk about myself as a novelist.

My Job As A Writer

My job as a writer was, after all, to string words together.

I had learned in entrepreneur training how to craft a pithy one-sentence for my coaching/teaching business.

So I took a deep breath, put on my writer’s hat, picked up my special pen and precious journal and dove in…

I drafted lots of author branding statements, in the method I share below.

I sucked at it big time.

But I kept drafting new ones and testing it on fellow writers, friends, and patient loved ones until I found the ones I love and use today.

What learned in facing my fear in sharing with the world my novelist self is that…

#1… My fear was real. Sharing my fiction felt like sharing a tender part of my soul in public. And that was, and sometimes still is, scary.

#2… No one ever taught me how. So it is natural that I didn’t already know how to share my novelist self in public in a way that attracts people to my work. Just the same way it was natural I didn’t know how to do the same for my business. Until I learned how.

#3… {Deep breath}… Yes, marketing can be fun…. The exercise I came up with to attract my readers and share who I am as an author was fun to create and experiment with. Who knew?

This is my author branding statement:

I write young adult adventure fantasy to empower teen girls to be the heroes of their own lives.

Moving forward, I wanted to share how simple it can be to create your own Author Branding Statement — just one simple sentence that can convey so much and do the work of a lengthy conversation.

You Can Learn How to Market Your Books

What if you could market your books that felt like inviting a dear friend out to coffee?

What if you could market your books with confidence, ease, and comfort?

Are you ready to take the plunge and attract your right readers and write your author branding statement (without all the heartburn?)?

Then, click here and I’ll walk you through the exact process I used to craft mine.

To market your books…

Expand into a new version of yourself…

Attract Your Readers: 4 Steps to Your Author Branding Statement

Share your draft(s) in the article comments if you’d like me to give you feedback or you’d just like to share.


… and if you’d like to go deeper, check out the Branding For Novelists self-paced course here:


Do you yearn to write a novel, but don’t know where to begin?

60-Day Novel course April 2020 with Beth and Ezra BaranyThen check out our flagship course starting April 1st.

We will help you plan and write a first draft of your novel in 60 days.

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How do we know? Because we your instructors have done it many times.

And to sweeten the pot, we have some Early Bird Enrollment Bonuses for you if you register now.

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Early Bird Registration closes March 15, 2020, 9pm PT.

Only 30 spots available. Will one be yours?


I have a new freebie for you!

“10 Ways to Generate Ideas”

Free book! Download your copy of "10 Ways to Generate Ideas" and start the dream of writing your novel today!For fiction writers, here’s a free ebook designed to help you connect with your playful side to generate ideas, write more, more often, and have fun doing so.

For your copy of “Fiction Writers, 10 Ways to Generate Ideas,” sign up here:

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About Beth Barany

Novelist and certified creativity coach for writers, Beth Barany runs Barany School of Fiction, a full suite of courses designed to help fiction writers experience clarity and get writing, so they can revise and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. A Master NLP Practitioner, and she’s also the author of books for writers, including Plan Your Novel Like A Pro, co-written with her husband, thriller writer Ezra Barany.Novelist and certified creativity coach for writers, Beth Barany runs Barany School of Fiction, a full suite of courses designed to help fiction writers experience clarity and get writing, so they can revise and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. A Master NLP Practitioner, and she’s also the author of books for writers, including Plan Your Novel Like A Pro, co-written with her husband, thriller writer Ezra Barany.


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