I Give Up: For My Creativity by Jill Badonsky
Today we welcome a new guest writer to Writer’s Fun Zone, Jill Badonsky who is stopping by to chat with us today about “I Give Up: For My Creativity.” Enjoy!
You can give up too.
All For Creativity
Dear Curious Reader,
My whimsical paintings come from a fixation with playfulness, poetic thought, and more to the point … giving-up.
I gave-up on trying to be perfect, on trying to emulate the approach of others, or on anything remotely related to how things are “supposed to be.”
I don’t have time for that anymore.
I only have time for fun, being curious about the voice that is emerging, being happily surprised about the results, and sharing with the intention to free anyone who is stuck like I’ve been.
I notice that I make time for creativity … when there’s less pressure.
I’ve given up for nine years now and am sharing some techniques and upcoming events for us to get together, get out of our heads, out of the box, and out of the way of our intuition’s desire to spill out its singularly unique expressions in freedom, spontaneity, and authenticity.
Do You Want A Fresh Approach to Your Creativity?
Suitable for all levels from the intimidated beginner to seasoned pro wanting a fresh approach.
Regardless if you attend one of my workshops or retreats, ask yourself:
- Where can I let go a little?
- How can I make this more fun?
- How can I make it easier?
- How can I eat more chocolate but weigh the same?
COME JOIN JILL BADONSKY: Kamikaze Art and Low Flying Creativity
Kamikaze Art and Low Flying Creativity
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Art on 30th, San Diego
More here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kamikaze-art-low-flying-creativity-with-jill-badonsky-registration-69155149915
More events here: http://www.kaizenmuse.com
My favorite results and the ones I see my students produce, happen when I approach my art and writing without too much planning, directed by intuitive abandonment, and open to a spirit of surrendering.
That’s when freedom ensues, our true voices emerge, perfectionism asks to be excused, and the delight of serendipity is at its best.
In the images on the right, A is drawn while looking, using deliberation.
B is drawn without looking and without control or care.
To me, B is the one with the poetry, energy, and interest. B has a story, a feeling, and a rebellion toward the way things need to be.
The same things I love about art and poetry.
This is one of several techniques we explore in my classes, workshops, and retreats to find our voices in both writing and art without really trying.
About the author: Jill Badonsky
Hi! I’m the author/illustrator of three books on the creative process, creator/director of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training, creativity workshop leader, and inspirational humorist who teaches retreats in New Mexico, at the Omega Institute, and wherever they’ll let me bring my crayons.
My specialty is removing the pressure behind the creative process so you are free to experience the joy and discovery of drawing, painting, writing, and photography without getting hung-up with perfectionism, comparison, or fear. I make finding a creative voice and the generation of creativity, easy and addictive and experiences away from home filled with creative surprises.
I’ve been working with hundreds of individuals and groups since 2004 to free creativity not only for art and writing, but for every aspect of life.
I am a servant to two cats in San Diego. More at www.kaizenmuse.com.
Connect with Jill
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jill.badonsky
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jillbadonsky
Facebook Too: https://www.facebook.com/jillbadonskyauthor