Creativity is a Revolutionary Act by Beth Barany

Creativity is a Revolutionary Act by Beth BaranyCreativity is inherent in being human and is key to how we learn and grow; creativity is our power.

In this day and age of great change, exercising our creativity is a revolutionary act.

When you invest in yourself and your storytelling skills, you’re not only helping yourself but you are also helping countless others who will read your work.

If you’re ready to take your next step in your storytelling skills, I encourage to first and foremost write down your ideas, your story.

Then edit your story to get it ready for the world. (With the help of an editor, early readers, or beta readers, or all of these.)

Lastly publish and market your stories so that hundreds, thousands, even millions can read your stories and be moved by them.

If you need help with any of these steps, our online school for fiction writers may be able to support you on your next step in your writer’s adventure.

Fourteen years ago, I made the decision to help authors through my workshops, courses, and presentations. And via books too.

I made this move so I could create the freedom I yearned for to dive deep into becoming a novelist. And I have.

A Revolutionary Act: Being an Artist

Declaring my independence to live my life outside the expected norms hasn’t been easy but it has been so worth it.

We creatives are the way bringers. We look into the possibilities and bring them back for others to enjoy.

What makes it revolutionary?

Because being a writer and any creative takes the courage to declare what you want and then to do for it — through all the treacherous challenges that will upend your sense of self and forever change you.

Because you may lose a safe, comfortable life to dare, risk, reach farther than you thought you ever would.

Creativity is a revolutionary act because it can create radical change.

Your Next Step

What is your next step toward what you yearn for? Are you ready to take that small yet important step?

Because if not now, when? If not you, then who?

Now more than ever your unique voice is needed in the world.

No one else but you has your unique collection of life experiences, dreams, and longings.

Put those into your stories. Be surprised where they lead you, and let your heart and mind shine on the page.

Do You Need Support?

If you’d like support, I’m here for you. As a guide. As a cheerleader. With deep understanding.

The life of a creative isn’t easy. You’re forging new paths, creating new worlds. It’s scary and can feel lonely.

But you are not alone. Look around you. Hundreds, thousands, millions of creatives walk their own paths beside you — all wrangling with the unknown, all weaving their creative dreams into creation.

Writing Stories is Magical

It’s a magical thing we do, write stories. All creative acts pull from the unknown and unseen. We then transform these into hard tangible forms.

If this act takes your breath away with wonder and awe, you are in the flow. You are worth investing in, be it in time, money, or both.

Dare. Create. Declare your independent voice.

I will cheer you on!

A Resource

And if you’re looking for a resource to support your creativity and your revolutionary art, consider our book, Plan Your Novel Like A Pro.

Plan Your Novel Like A Pro! by Beth and Ezra Barany

“This book is simple, engaging, and full of insightful tips and exercises! Beyond just strategies and ‘how-to’ advice, this book also trains your brain to think a new way, so that you can effectively bring your novel to life! Reading this book and applying its principles will transform your approach to writing and what it means to be an author.”
— Jon Low (NLP Coach, Author, Writer, Copywriter)

“This book is a practical guide for writing a novel. Many of my questions about novel writing were answered. At the same time, it is enjoyable to read with many examples. This will be my main go-to book in the future, especially when I’m feeling like I’m stuck.”
— Gary Lea, Fiction Writer

“Having been a student of Beth Barany for many years, I was excited to read a distillation of Beth and Ezra’s extensive experience in a rich but uncomplicated guide. I don’t know what I would have done all this time without those techniques to guide me. If you are confused about how to get a novel going, need an overhaul of your current project, or just think it’s just too perplexing, let this book help you to become to the novelist you’ve always wanted to be.”
— Hugh Tipping, Aspiring Fantasy Novelist

“Plan Your Novel Like a Pro” is one of the best tools a writer can have in their toolbox. Beth and Ezra’s no-nonsense, gentle approach is efficient as well as inspiring. Their practical techniques in getting to know your characters at a deep level will propel your storyline into depths even seasoned writers dream about. And, using your book, I’ve already begun to plot (insert creepy Halloween music and a villain’s “bru…ha…ha” here) my next story!”
–Keri Kruspe, Author of Otherworldy Romantic Adventures, An Alien Exchange

Questions for You!

Circling back to the questions I asked earlier: What is your next step toward what you yearn for? Are you ready to take that small yet important step?

I’d love to hear your response to these questions. Comment and let me know. There is no right or wrong answer; there’s only what’s up for you.

Have a happy and creative week! Happy writing!


PS. What I’m listening to: Pink’s Hurts 2B Human. What I’m reading (actually listening to as a free audio book on Hoopla): If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie.

(Post Updated: Aug. 24, 2020)


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