A Place to Write by Annmarie Miles

The Long & The Short of it by Annmarie MilesLet’s welcome back monthly columnist Annmarie Miles as she shares with us “A Place to Write.” Enjoy!


I’ve never had a special place to write. I’ve often envied other writers who post pictures of their little corner, with a chair and desk, notebooks and pens at the ready; often an inspiring view nearby. Sadly, I’ve never lived in a house that had space for a space.

Until now…

Our new home has an alcove at a window, just perfect for a desk… and we were given a beautiful writing bureau that fits perfectly into the spot. 😉 For the first time I have a designated place to write. To be honest, it’s a bit hard to get used to. I’ve always written in any quiet corner I could find. In fact for a long time I had some back trouble and used to prefer to lie down to write.

I’m well aware that the discipline of writing is getting your BTM in the chair, regardless of the type and location of that chair. But it does feel like a new season of writing and I’m excited about it.

I’ve only been using the space for a short time, but already I can feel the benefits. I’m hoping as time goes on I’ll use it more and more. So far here’s what I’m finding…

A regular routine – I’m hoping that having that one place to go to wo work will encourage me back to a regular routine of writing. After 2 house moves and 2 job changes in one year, I’m all over the place.

Quiet or the Quickstep – Sometimes I like to writer in quiet, other times I like some mad music to write along to. This personal space will allow me to choice of quiet or not

A Room with a View – The window gives the space a bright airy feel. There’s a lovely view out the window for me to stare at; far more inspiring than any wall I’ve ever faced.

Tell the World – Reading my work aloud to the window feels really different. Previously I’ve literally been ‘talking to the wall’ – not the most encouraging activity. The whole world is outside my window. My hope is that, as I read aloud  in this new space, somehow I’ll get a better feel for the first draft.

Mission Base Camp – I want to come up with a writing mission statement. Part of the reason I’ve never bothered is that I’ve had no fixed place to display it, so I could see it every time I settle down to write. It’s time to write that statement!

I would love to hear if you have a writing place, please do share it with us; and the benefits you’re finding from it too.



Annmarie MilesAnnmarie Miles, part time writer, full time believer is 40something, Irish, Christian, married, and proud to be all of those things. She loves words, music & chocolate! You can find out all about her and her book The Long & The Short of It.

Where to find Annmarie:

Website: www.annmariemiles.com.
Email: amowriting@gmail.com
Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/amowriting
Google+: auntyamo
Twitter: @amowriting
Personal Blog: www.auntyamo.com
Writing Blog: www.annmariemiles.com/blog

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  • Hugh Tipping says:

    I find it difficult to write in my small one-bedroom apartment. If I had a second bedroom, maybe it’d be different. For a small monthly fee, I can use a cubicle in a writer’s space near me. It has strict rules about being quiet and courteous to others working there. It feels like a small haven to me.

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