Finish the Plan Your Novel mini-course + Win Prizes!

Special giveaway for Plan Your Novel mini-courseHope your writing is going well! I know sometimes though it’s hard to get started on your novel. That’s why I created this free mini-course.

Students are saying:

“I had a bit of trouble condensing [my story], but after sleeping on it, I could follow your example and cut some words.”

“I found [the plot spinner] easy to use and the formula you site is amazing. Having a general synopsis this quickly is just pure beauty! I can refine it later, but this is a great start to the story.”

If you haven’t joined already, sign up here:

I look forward to having you in the course.

I am running a special giveaway! Read on for details!


Finish the Mini-Course + Enter to Win Prizes

Since I know that having a deadline kicks writers into high gear like almost nothing else (i.e., gets you writing!), I’ve created a special giveaway.

>Here’s how to enter:

>1. Finish the mini-course by Friday, August 21, 9pm Pacific.

>2. Show me you’ve finished by posting answers, replies, ahas or discoveries in the course.
That’s all!

I’ll be able to verify that you’ve completed the course.


We’ll pick to two (2) winners at random by using

Two of you will win:

More about the “Dive In” Level:

At this level you’ll get:

  • “10 Questions to Ask Your Characters” tip sheet (PDF), plus audio goodie.
  • Weekly emails prompts to get you writing. You’ll be guided each week on a new focus following the course structure above.
  • Peer-run Fellowship of the Pen community (Facebook group)
  • 2 live video teaching webinars with the instructors
  • 2 live group coaching teleseminars with the instructors
  • Step-by-Step instructions and examples in the form of Handouts, Templates, Checklists, Videos, Audios, and Quizzes (Lifetime access!)
  • A private Facebook group with the writers and the instructors so that you can be in community for support, accountability, and guidance.

All the details about our October Plan Your Novel full course are here:

To get started and enter this special giveaway, join us in the Plan Your Novel mini-course today.

See you there!

PS. More details on the course and tweets to share here.

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