Community Webinar on the Benefits of a Writing Community Today

audrey-hepburn-paris-is-always-a-good-ideaEzra and I will sharing on the benefits of a writing community with writing teachers and mentors as we give a sneak peek of our writing retreat in Paris this October 3-10, 2015.

WHEN: Today,  Tuesday, July 14, 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern

Use this link to find your local time:

**Community Webinar**

The Benefits of a Writing Community

Free and for our community!

We’ll share about the benefits of a writing community and share resources on how to find your own.

We’ll cover:

  • the top 3 reasons for joining a writing community
  • resources for finding your own
  • success factors to insure the group is right for you
  • how to take advantage of the resources already near you
  • and more! (We always have more goodies and surprises for you!)

Sign up here:

This is a Google Hangout on Air and will be recorded.

Join us here to chat live:

See you then!


Registration for the Paris trip and all the details:

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Registration deadline is July 24, 2015!

Is a Paris Writing Retreat to work on your novel in the cards for you this year?!

If you’d like to get the recording, be sure to subscribe to Writer’s Fun Zone here:

As an additional bonus, you will also be subscribed to the Creativity Sparks newsletter, full of tips and tools for novelists building a successful career. (Sent 1-2 times per week) You can unsubscribe at any time.

By me, Beth Barany, Editor & Publisher of the Writer’s Fun Zone, and a Creativity Coaching for Writers, and a novelist herself.

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