Novelists, A Key to Success

Knight of disks, crowley-thoth tarot, designed by lady frieda harrisNovelist, here’s an important key to our success.

We creatives have a tendency to always be looking ahead — to the next book, the next task — but when we do that, we may feel often anxious and unsettled. At least for me, that’s because I haven’t finished anything, yet. Once I do finish a book, I quickly move on to the next novel.

I’ve found a way to feel successful. Here’s my rumination on this key to success.

Key to Success: Bring in the Harvest

A big part of starting a new project is gathering all your resources. Even though you’re starting something new, you’re also bringing the harvest — bringing together all you know, all you are, and all that you have done.

Bring all of yourself to your novel. Call in your “harvest.”

What have you done, what have you learned, and what do you know to be true that prepares you for the next step?

Appreciate all of that before you go forward.

For those of you on Twitter, share it there too and tag it with the hashtag: #writersuccess. You can also tag me: @beth_barany.
You can also share your Aha and discoveries on my Fan page here.
By the way, you can still listen to our 90-minute teleseminar on the secrets to getting your book done. Ezra drops some bonus wisdom on insuring your book gets read. Be sure to sign up for that audio here.

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