Book Promotions for Beginners for Novelists by Beth Barany

social-media-iconsHey awesome novelists! I’ll be teaching an online class for novelists on book promotions for beginners starting Sept. 1. Come join me! Here’s all the details! Please share this post with your friends. Thanks!

September 1-30, 2013. Online Class: Book Promotions for Beginners. Presenter: Beth Barany at Outreach International Romance Writers.

Sign up Deadline: August 29, 2013
Fee: OIRW Member $20
Fee: Non-Member $25

Course Description:
You’ve written your book and now you’re ready to query agents and editors, or self-publish your book. Congratulations! And now what?!

  • How are you going to sell your book?
  • How are you going to share about your whole book in just a few phrases?
  • How do you find your audience?
  • And where do you begin with all the book promotions? (So many choices!)


Authors often think that all the hard work is done after they’ve written their novel. But no! Our work has just begun, because now we need to focus on connecting with and “hooking” our readers so they’ll pick up our book, and tell their friends about it, too.

This course, by book marketing and publishing consultant Beth Barany, will cover how to start your book promotions and a step-by-step process for creating all the building blocks of your book promotion plan that you can use for each of your books.

We’ll cover such topics:

  • How to craft short phrase that entices your readers and agents (similar but not always the same!)
  • How to identify your strengths and weaknesses in promotions *Tip: Focus on your strengths!
  • How to determine the best ways for you to get the word out: social media, email, blog, site, postcard, etc. (Again, we’ll focus on your strengths, but it’s good to know your options!)
  • How to identify your story’s theme and use that to your advantage (Yes, you have one!)
  • How to identify your ideal readers
  • How to handle the overwhelm of all of today’s book promotion options (I know how you feel!)


Beth will offer templates, tips, answer questions, and walk you through the ground work for building your book promotions every step of the way. Beth has tried lots of different ways to get the word out about her books, and will share from her own experience, as well as from the experience of other writers. She’ll give lessons and answer your questions during this month-long course.

Registration: Non Members
Registration: OIRW Members


Instructor Bio:
Beth-Barany, Instructor, Author, Speaker, CoachBeth Barany is a certified creativity coach, NLP Practitioner, and Publishing and Marketing Consultant. She helps writers get their writing done and out into the world. She’s the bestselling author of THE WRITER’S ADVENTURE GUIDE and OVERCOME WRITER’S BLOCK. Her most recent book for writers is TWITTER FOR AUTHORS. Her young adult epic fantasy novel, HENRIETTA THE DRAGON SLAYER, won the Grand Prize in the 2012 California Book Fiction Challenge. And her latest story is “Touchstone of Love” in GARGOYLE: THREE ENCHANTING ROMANCE NOVELLAS. More about Beth Barany on her site:


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