Take a Survey, Get a Gift: Learn How to Run a Successful Blog Tour

Blog-Tour-Course-Banner-NameSURVEY for “How to Run a Successful Blog Tour”

I put this survey together to compile specific feedback to improve my How to Run a Successful Blog Tour course on Udemy. I’ve recently launched the course (based on lots of experience running blog tours for authors!), and I’d like to improve it for my new batch of students. Feel free to be as candid as possible when responding to my questions below.

Click here to take the survey! 

I have a gift as a thank you to everyone who takes the survey! Thank you!!

Act now! Special gift expires 2/14/2013!

 Check out the cool widget in the sidebar to see all the modules — over 30 of them for this 3+ hour course — that I created for this course.

You can read on to learn more about the course…


In this video course, you’ll learn how to run a successful blog tour for yourself or for others.

Take this course if you want to reach your readers through one of today’s most influential platforms: book bloggers and avid bloggers.

A blog tour is a way to spread the message about your book, generate book sales, and increase your author platform (or reach).

This course is for:

  • authors, fiction and nonfiction
  • book marketers
  • entrepreneurs will benefit too!

This course isn’t for absolute beginners. I’m assuming you have some comfort level with blogging, writing articles, and using social media, or you are ready to dive in and get comfortable with these tools fast.

I created 29 videos for you, anywhere from 1 to 11 minutes in length, so you can watch in short bursts, or watch the course all at once. It’s about 3 hours of content. Block off your afternoon!

I also give you Checklists and Templates, and take the guess work out of what to say, to whom, and when.

Bonus: For those of you who sign up for my course, you get a PDF edition of my new book, TWITTER FOR AUTHORS: SOCIAL MEDIA BOOK MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SHY WRITERS.

Just FYI… Normally I charge $997 to $2,500 to run these for clients, and in this course I’ve shared ALL my secrets. And if there’s something you’d like to know about running blog tours, once you’ve enrolled you can ask live in the monthly calls or in the 24-7 forum that I check 3 times a week.

Click here to take the survey! => Thanks!

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  • I took your survey! I think because Im not a book blogger im not exactly sure what a Blog tour is. I know I have seen them before though!

  • Beth Barany says:

    Diane, check out this post on the skinny for blog tours: http://writersfunzone.com/blog/2012/12/24/how-to-run-a-blog-tour-by-beth-barany/. Hope that helps!

  • Janice says:

    Sounds cool, not got time to look right now, but will be back 🙂

  • Jean says:

    Took the survey! I like the layout of your post. Explained what you are doing without going on and on.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Janice, Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    Jean, Glad you liked the layout of my post.

  • Shirley Matta says:

    Hi Beth, I took the tour…great questions

  • Beth Barany says:

    Shirley, Thanks for taking the survey! Glad you liked the questions!

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