Tips for Writing Literotica
Enjoy this guest post on tips for writing literotica by guest blogger, Sarah Thompson.
This past December, Fifty Shades of Grey was named as England’s Book of the Year. I’ll pause for reaction.
Right. A book that while many may have enjoyed, was actually horribly written. The editing was non-existent, the plot and character development was horrendously flawed, and the repetition, my God, was frankly, just too much. But it won anyway and has also been recognized as the UK’s best selling book. They have J.K. Rowling and Charles Dickens, but yet, Fifty Shades of Grey still tops out.
WIth so much attention being given to a book that many find to be “mommy porn,” it’s likely that we will see a influx in the erotic literary genre. Maybe even you have been thinking about dabbling into the world of sex scenes and dare I say, “mommy porn?” If so, it’s going to take a little different approach than your usual writing treatment. You could simply throw all caution to the wind, write a story, never look at the manuscript again, self publish it and hope for the best, but the likelihood of you seeing success if pretty slim.
Instead use some of these tips to capture your readers and create stories that are believable as they are titillating.
When writing purely literotica, your character development won’t be as necessary as it would be in a non-erotic fiction piece. You’ll actually be best served to keep the characters a little vague, this will allow your reader to imagine that they are one of the participants. Literotica is more about the way the sex feels and tastes and less about what your character had for breakfast that morning.
With the same notion, you’ll want to always convey that your characters are attractive and svelte, but not overly so.
Really focus in on the scene. Dissect every movement, every word, breath and feeling. While that attention to detail is necessary, don’t dwell on the characteristics of the room or environment; they are not important. If you’re writing about sex, you’ll want to drag out each movement, make it feel like an orgasmic eternity. Focus on a single stroke, the bead of sweat that rolls down their skin or the strands of hair that fall onto one of the characters faces.
When it comes to the sexual acts, you can make it as elaborate or simple as you want. Maybe the couple is engaging in bondage, trying out all the toys they got from Adam and Eve, or maybe they are just doing it vanilla style on the couch. When you highlight every moment of the scene, you have the ability to make an ordinary session seem like the best sex of their lives.
Using dialogue is a great way to bring your characters to life, while building a sexual scene. However, you should avoid using medical or childish terminology. If you’re going to have your character say, “I love the way I feel inside of you,” don’t use, “I love the way my penis feels inside of you.” Don’t use “I love the way my willy feels in your coochie” either. It’s up to you to determine how explicit you want to get, but those phrases aren’t going to feel natural.
Finally, keep it realistic. Everyone deals with sexual blunders, so do not make your characters immune to them. You can mention the way the couple lost traction as they switched positions, how the girl got her period or even how he went for the “wrong” hole, or did he? Literotica is about the enjoyment of reading, but also the ability to imagine that you are in the story. Perfection in any instance will not help that happen.
Sarah Thompson is a guest blogger with several years of experience in writing lit erotica. She enjoys reading in her free time and uses writing as an outlet for her creative intellect.
Beautifully written – an absolute pleasure to read – now will I stick to coaching or will I try my hand at literotica – coach, client of soo forbiddent but that…
Mary, You can always do both! Glad you enjoyed the post and stopped by.
I just read a great sex scene in a novel and it followed all the points you made here. The novel wasn’t literotica but the scene was really well written and now I can see why.