Plan, Plunge, or Review: How do you prepare for the New Year?

The Piedmont Cafe and GrilleWriters, I like to plunge ahead into my year, launching new projects, or continue old ones. One of the things I’m not inclined to do is look back at the year and review it.

But I will. After the New Year, Ezra and I will sit down, probably at a local diner, and draft our What I Accomplished in 2012 lists. Well, I’ll dictate mine to him, and he’ll do the same for me. Because it’s just easier that way.

I don’t know about you, but as a creative person I’m always looking forward, always looking at the next project… Shiny!

How about you? Do you plunge head-long into the New Year, or plan it meticulously (I so don’t…) or review your past accomplishments, and/or misdeeds?

Do share below!

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