Guest Post with Wendy D. Walter, Author of Ambril’s Tale

Ambril's Tale-Tales of the Dullaith by Wendy D. Walter Welcome YA fantasy author, Wendy D. Walter during her giveaway featuring her YA fantasy novel, Ambril’s Tale. Enjoy the Excerpt from Chapter One and be sure to enter her  fun giveaways!

She’s offering a lovely hand-painted gnome, and other goodies. And, to the commenters of this blog we’re picking a winner to recieve a free copy of her book, Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith.

Read on for all the details! And enjoy the excerpt!


Excerpt Chapter One 

Of Chicken Legs and Bad Breath

Death by chicken-legged monster.

How embarrassing.

The last thing Ambril remembered was the chicken-legged monster bending over her. She was pretty sure that had been after the tree ate the other thing. The creature with breath so bad that it had nearly melted her fingernails. But she couldn’t be sure.

Too many monsters—way too many.

She lay there for a time, letting her body wake up slowly. There was something covering her eyes, but she was too shaken to remove it. Oddly enough, she felt warm and cozy, like she was being rocked to sleep. Was this how it always felt after a near-death experience? She had nothing to compare it with, as she’d lived an ordinary life until an hour ago, when she’d been pelted by Brussels sprouts, accidentally fought off a demon with a decorated stick, and was almost vacuumed up by a smelly, smoky monster.

How had this all started?

Exactly when had she taken a sharp left turn into this weird, monster-infested place? She began thinking back, over her upside down day, trying to make sense of it all.

Her day had started when her mother had raced into her room and vaulted onto her bed. “Get up! We’re already late,” her mother had peered out the window at a murky yellow van parked in their driveway. “The movers are on time for once, which makes us, later than usual.” Her mother had cinched the tie of her robe more tightly when one of the movers had squinted up at Ambril’s window. “How many times is this, Sweetie?”

Fairy Boot by Wendy D. Walter

Ambril grunted from under her quilt as she felt her mother prod her with her big toe.

“Come on, Ambril, I’ve lost track. How many times have we moved?”

“Nine times.” Ambril’s tousled brown hair emerged from the covers.

Her mother smiled magnificently, “Nine times is the charm!” She jumped from the bed and was through the door before the old bedsprings had time to squeal. Ambril heard her skip down the stairs, and open the door, then the murmur of polite conversation had started up. Move number nine had begun.

Ambril groaned. She did not want to get up ever, ever again. She loved this old house, stuck on a hill and overlooking the San Francisco Bay. It had been home to Ambril, her brother and her mother for over a year, the longest time they had lived anywhere. But now, she had to act happy about moving to a boring, country town. OK, so it was the town where she’d been born, but it didn’t count if you didn’t remember it. They had left when she was only three. Trelawnyd, it was a stupid name for a town, Ambril thought, as she burrowed back under her quilt.

==> to read more: Ambril’s Tale, The Return of the Dullaith


About Ambril’s Tale, The Return of the Dullaith

Fourteen-year-old, Ambril struggles with the mystery surrounding her father’s death when she moves back to the mysterious town where she was born. When she accidentally uncovers a secret which threatens to destroy her entire family, she continues her quest, against all odds, to clear her father’s name. But will she be able to claim her magic and and heal the rifts in her family?Ambril’s Tale, The Return of the Dullaith has received great 4-5-star reviews. Readers are impatiently demanding Book Two, which will be out early Spring 2013.


Giveaway Info

At each blog stop on her tour, Wendy is giving away a prize, a copy of one of her books (paperback or e-book). You can also enter the End-of-Tour Grand Prize Giveaway of a hand-painted gnome, hand-painted by Wendy herself! There will also be some surprise giveaways along the way! Stay tuned!

1)     To win a book: leave a comment on this blog post about what you like most about fairies and gnomes to be entered to win a copy of Ambril’s Tale: The Return of the Dullaith in paperback or e-book format. Be sure to leave your email address in the comments so we can contact you if you’re the lucky winner. This giveaway ends five days after the post goes live.

2)      To win one of the Grand Prizes: Click the link to go to Wendy’s website and enter the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the page. Here’s Wendy’s site:


a Rafflecopter giveaway



About The Author: Wendy D. Walter

Writing was an early passion for Wendy. As a kid, she wrote lots of stories, but being shy, they usually ended up under the mattress. When she finally set out to tell Ambril’s Tale, she decided not to write a story but a world, full with her own marvelous illustrations. She considers Ambril’s Tale: The Return of the Dullaith as just the curly tip of the fairy boot. Wendy lives near San Francisco with her husband, daughters, cat and border collie. More information about Wendy’s book and art, check her site:


Where to Find Ambril’s Tale

Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith at Barnes and Noble 


Connect with Wendy D. Walter

Wendy’s Facebook page

Wendy D. Walter on Twitter

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  • bn100 says:

    That was a very nice excerpt.


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