Book Marketing & Publishing: The Tools We Need Are Here, Here’s 2 your fiction? Thinking about it? Need tools for publishing your book and are curious about the new tools out there. Here are 2 resources for you highlighted online this week.

#1:”65 Top Websites to Announce Your Book for FREE”

“For your book to sell, you need to create the demand. You need an audience, a platform – which you will get when your book is showing up on many websites and forums, visible to readers. Make it a habit to submit your book to at least 2-3 websites a day. Don’t forget to post links to them on Google+, Twitter, FB, Tumblr, StumpleUpon, LinkedIn,, Pinterest … whatever social media you are signed up. In one month you will have your book on all of these listed sites and you will see a difference in sales:”

More here:

I’ve been saying for years that the means of production are finally in our hands. And now more than ever! The next resource, a blog post by the author and travel writer Carla King on the PBS site, Media Shift.

#2: “How 6 New Tools Change the Equation for Writing and Self-Publishing Your Book”

“When writers first exchanged pen and paper for word processing systems we didn’t realize how firmly it put us on the path toward self-production and self-publishing. The jury’s still out on whether the creative process was altered for better or worse. Marshall McLuhan, an early media pundit, recognized back in 1962 how “the divorce of poetry and music was first reflected by the printed page.”

Read the rest of the post here:


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