How to Write A Novel – NaNoWriMo

In this video, book mentor Ezra Barany covers the three keys to preapring for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

Many authors think preparing for writing a novel in a month is a daunting task. The truth is that the more you prepare for it, the more challenging it is for you to come up with the words. All you need are three keys to get ready to write your novel.

If writing a novel in a month is too challenging for you, consider taking Ezra Barany’s year-long program where by December 2012 you’ll get your book done. Go to for more information and to sign up.

We’d like to know! –> How do you prepare to write the first draft of your novel?

Please leave a comment below.

Thanks and I love you!

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  • Martin Reisberg says:

    I just heard Tony, The Tiger, say, after hearing this video from outside his Box, I mean, my window,”Grrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaatttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!” (My sentiments’as well!)

    He uttered that after sharpening his er.. claws,… er…… writing implements. He was just about to scratch out a first impressions draft on his novel impulse to start off his day with a few local canines for breakfast. He never really ate Kelloggs Cereal for his first meal of the day. He was paid to pretend he did, but PRotein of the Animal kind is truly his first choice.
    rather than wait for a passing herd of miniature elephants. He, rather weakly just jogged off following twopuppies… He tells me that Ezra’s next video, he’ll not miss for the world!

  • Ezra Barany says:

    Tony the Tiger stopped by while carrying two puppies. Handed them to me and muttered something about keeping them away from him as he goes to PA (Predators Anonymous).

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