My Favorite Thing About Twitter

Welcome to Twitter Tuesdays where I feature tips on how to use Twitter for authors by authors. This week we feature a favorite thing and tip about Sample Sunday from romance and erotica author, Betty Carlton. Thanks Betty! You can follow her on Twitter here.

The answer is easy. Well, it’s easy now anyway. A year ago I would have said, “Twitter — easy? No way” and nothing was favorite about it. I shunned it for months.

Guess what? Twitter would not go away. Time after time I was told go learn Twitter, leaving me no choice but to sit in front of my handy dandy computer determined to learn how Twitter worked.

In a couple of hours I was hooked. Not knowing a soul on there, Twitter kindly gave me lists of people to follow and most followed me back.

With only 140 spaces to say what you want you can’t put your foot in your mouth. Although, I have seen a few tweeters manage to get a toe in there.

When someone says something that strikes your fancy there are links offered so you can get more info. Or you can reply to the person directly. That’s when you finally get to understand the social media thing.

People become your friend as, if only for a few minutes, you interchange thoughts and pearls of wisdom with them. If they become real special you can ‘direct message’ them so only the two of you can see the tweet.

Twitter also lets you share things you’re doing. Take me for example: I write, so I use Twitter to tell about what I’m doing and where to read or find my books. Other people tell about their day: good or bad, their pets, their business enterprises, their recipes, and so on.

You can follow the headlines, your favorite topics or people, and your family and friends.

Best of all you discover the power that just 140 characters and spaces can have. If you live in the USA the East Coast earthquake a few weeks back was a perfect example. Even before the news sources could decipher and announce it, Twitter was abuzz with the news.

My personal favorite way to use Twitter is when I share during #sampleSunday. This hashtag lets me send out tweets about my blog. On Sunday I post an excerpt from my books and tweet it to all my followers. I also send or retweet for the other authors who also share excerpts on Sunday. So, if you’re on Twitter on any given Sunday chances are good someone will send you at least one of those tweets either from me or someone else’s book.

Think about it. I have 1600 followers and if they each have X amount of followers and their followers have X followers. You could imagine the number of people who might read your little tweet. And you did promoted your book without it costing a dime.

I hope to see you Sunday. However, if you don’t get a #sampleSunday tweet go ahead add me to your following list @betcar1.

All of Betty Carlton books can be found on Amazon:


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More Twitter Tips for Authors next Tuesday, and more to come in my forthcoming ebook, The Writer’s Guide to Twitter for Fiction Authors.

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