What are the Good Habits of a Successful Writer?

If we want the good habits of a successful writer, we start taking action today.

That way our good habits of today become our success of tomorrow.

This may sound like a bunch of pie in the sky hooey but actually its what I’ve learned from NLP. Most of what we do as humans are conditioned actions. Only a small part of what we do is actually conscious.

Our conscious mind’s job is to choose, to decide. “I want this. I don’t want that.”

Today if you choose to be a successful author, you also get to choose what actions to take. The unconscious parts of us knows what to do next.

Recently I chose to blog more again. I want my name and my brand out there, for both my business as a successful writing coach and consultant, and as a fantasy author. I decided that I wanted to build my national presence as an expert. In that way I can have more of an impact and help even more people get what they want: successful author careers.

And I decided on the action: blogging and using other social media tools to bolster the conversation. These are things I like to do so I can sustain the action over the long term.

I also knew I couldn’t do it all myself. To get bigger, bolder, broader with my message, I needed a team, team mates. I needed other writers who wanted visibility too. So, I put a request out on Facebook and Twitter and enrolled my fellow authors. I have authors posting on Mondays for Q&A Indie Fantasy Authors, and on Tuesdays Twitter Tips for Fictions Authors by Fiction Authors. Thank you!

I have the blog. Will travel.

I’ve come to realize that it takes a team to make my dream work and so have taken action on that and reached out to peeps!

What actions can you take today that build toward your success tomorrow?

  • Do you need to write more regularly, more often?
  • Do you want to get a handle on this social media marketing stuff?
  • Do you need to step up your writing quality and get feedback from a professional coach or from a critique group of your peers?

What action will to take today? Declare it here now. Commit to it here now, yes, today. And then take action! Yeah!

If you’re curious about getting into action to build your successful author career today, and learn more about what it’s like to work with Beth Barany and her team, you can go here. Thanks!

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