What Inspires the Creator of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer?

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany, on Amazon and the Nook

Lots and lots of chocolate, hard rock music, long walks, and wacking a sticking against a punching bag.

And writing! Because as my clients and students know: Writing begets writing.

Yes, it’s the time in a writer’s life where she starts to talk a lot about the inner workings of her creative work!

More to come… In fact, I start my Summer Blog tour Friday at Just Jen where I will regal you with more details about what inspired me to write Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and where you will have a chance to enter to win a copy of my novel — print of ebook — and where you can enter to win the necklace around Henrietta’s neck on the cover. Yeah giveaways!

So I invite you to traipse across the Internet with me with summer and join in the fun!

I look forward to hearing from you all!

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