TWITTER TUESDAY: Favorite Author Chats (No. 4)
I’ve been inspired by Kristen Lamb, author of We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media, to do a Twitter Tuesdays series. Today is number 4 in my series. I’ll also be offering a Social Media for Authors course at the end of March at my online writers community, We Write Books. More news on that soon! Stay posted! If you’re curious to use a powerful self-reflection tool to accelerate your author career, check out the free journaling at We Write Books online community.
Today’s focus is my favorite author chats on Twitter, the informal and the formal ones. These chats allow us writers to go from focusing inward on our current work-in-progress, to focusing outward and networking with other authors and industry professionals. We become better writers and sales people of our products — our books — when we network. IMHO
Informally, authors can participate in an ongoing discussion my using a hashtag and a phraase. (More on hashtags in my post here.) Some of my favorite ones are:
- #amwriting
- #amediting
- #writing
- #writegoal
When I dive into that day’s editing or writing I use these hashatgs to tell other writers what I’m up to, offer and recieve support. It’s nice to know that we’re all in this together! I especially love chatting with my friends in Down Under. Because of course I’m writing at night and their up in the afternoon having their day. 😉
Formally, chats take place at regular times, sometimes sponsored by other writers, sometimes by industry professionals. Ones I’ve participated in:
- #askagent
- #yalitchat
- #bookmarket (I’ll be a featured guest this week on Thursday 4pm EST!)
These chats allow me to connect with other writers and get advice from professional, all within the comfort of my own home. I love networking this way! Sweet!
What chats do you like to participate in? How do they help you?