How to Be a Bestseller on Amazon logoUnderstanding how Amazon sales ranking works isn’t just for techies. All authors need to understand how Amazon works so they can use the system to their advantage, and be an Amazon bestseller, too.

Today I’m excerpting from several articles out in the web…

Understanding Amazon Sales Rank

The Amazon sales rank is a number that says how many other titles sold more than your titles. The smaller the Amazon Sales Rank number, the better the sales. The Amazon sales rank is normally re-computed daily.

For more go here: Rampant TechPress, Inside the Amazon Sales Rank.


5 Steps to Create an Amazon Bestselling Book Campaign

by Lynn Serafinn, founder of Spirit Authors

… The basic concept of an Amazon book campaign is to drive people to a special page you will create that tells them about your book, and to get them to return to that page to buy your book on the specified day of your launch. The reason why you want them to come on a specified day is to drive up your Amazon sales rank. The reason why people will want to return to your page (as opposed to just going to Amazon to buy your book) is that after they buy your book, they can come back to your page to claim some great bonus gifts.

For more go to The Savvy Book Marketer article.


How to to Get Your Self-Published Book on the Amazon Bestselling Books List

You don’t need to sell thousands of books or have a huge book promotion and marketing budget to get your title on’s Bestseller List for Books. If you’re the author of a self-published book, you’ll be surprised to learn just how easy it is to become a bestselling author on Amazon and it doesn’t have to cost you a dime. Becoming a bestselling author on Amazon is a great way to add cache to your self-promotions. Doesn’t “author of a bestselling book” sound better than just plain “author”?

Read more: How to to Get Your Self-Published Book on the Amazon Bestselling Books List |

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