A Literary Agent Shares Why Writers Are on Twitter

The Digital Plague by Jeff SomersIn literary agent, Janet Reid’s post, she shares in a fun and concise way why writers are on Twitter.

Reposted here, she says:

It’s where your readers are.

And you want to hear what they are saying

to wit:

I received a lovely surprise last week. After announcing that I had received book four in Jeff Somers series and bemoaning the fact I had book three but not the first two, the inestimable author himself contacted me via Twitter and asked if he could send me them for review.

How lovely is that? So unexpected, and such a treat. As a consequence, expect to see these shooting up my TBR pile – kindness begets kindness, after all!

If you think twitter is only about what you had for lunch, you’re out to lunch.


I totally, yes, totally, second her opinion about lunch, and the rest…

PS. Jeff Somers is one of her authors…

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