The Future of Publishing: In the Trenches: Literary Agent, Nathan Bransford

San Francisco skylineThis article was first published on the San Francisco Writers Community site.

Where is publishing going? This column is dedicated to finding the answers.

This week I focus on a trend watcher from the inside, San Francisco-based literary agent, Nathan Bransford, an agent for Curtis Brown Ltd. Often we can suss out where publishing is trending by watching closely what’s happening now. Nathan’s blog gives us that insider look.

Bransford runs a very active blog and forum. His blog gets on average almost 100 comments per post, and there are over 1000 users on his forum. Nathan is funny, to the point, and most importantly, for our purposes, runs a weekly must-read, “This Week in Publishing.” If you’re at all curious about what’s going in publishing from the trenches, read Nathan’s blog for its humor, read it for the fabulous and succinct summaries he writes of other peoples’ blogs, and read it for the trends currently going on in publishing houses, in writing and genres, in literary agencies, and in technology. Enjoy!

c. 2010 Beth Barany

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