3 Reasons to Write A Book

What are the top 3 reasons to write a book?

1. Writing a Book is Fun
2. If you don’t write your book you’ll regret it
3. Writing a Book Opens Up Opportunities

Okay, let’s get into greater depth.

3 reasons to write a book (WFZ post)

#1 Writing a Book is Fun
Yes, writing a book is fun. Let me count the ways.

First, there’s the surprise of creation. Ooh! What can I create now? Okay, and right now? Writing is play. Writing is improv. I chose writing to be my creativity vehicle, and I think while writing. Writing helps me think deeply and create clarity in my thinking. Self-awareness, knowing what I think and feel, is fun. I love those AHAs! I discover in this moment that writing is actually a discovery process for me. And I love discovery, uncovering truths, and making concretely and clear through words.

#2 If you don’t write your book you’ll regret it
Do you want to be on your death bed gazing at your bookshelves and wondering where all of your books are? That space on your shelf could have been filled with your body of work. But because you never sat down to write it isn’t.

Do you want to look back on your life and realize that you never said what you really wanted to say? That the experience you wanted to create through your fiction or nonfiction book was never expressed and shared with the world? How will your heart feel?

And lastly, will you be thinking, “I’m so glad I did all those dishes.”? As you lie on your death bed. No, you will be thinking of the impact you had on other people’s lives, and they on you. Set the dishes aside and write your book!

#3 Writing a Book Develops your expertise and/or career
I should call this reason “Writing Your Book Opens Up more Opportunities.” Yes, that’s right. Be known as an expert in your field with your nonfiction book. Or with your novel or memoir, be known as an excellent story teller that sweeps the reader away.

Make more money from your book. Need I say more. If you don’t write it, you won’t have the additional income stream.

Lastly, your book can lead to more speaking engagements, more clients, even lead to spin-off products. Increase your reach with a book. People will read your book who have never heard from you, and then they’ll go to your site, or buy your next book, or go out of their way to see you in person.

SO, yes, write your book. Because writing is fun, you’ll regret if you don’t and your book can open up so many more opportunities for you.

Happy Writing!

Related posts:
1. Timed Writing exercises to get you writing
2. Writing Rituals
3. a free 5-day course to get you started

© Beth Barany 2009-2015
Written during my Breakfast Blogging Club workshop I run with my fabulous colleague, Cheryl Liquori.

Who Beth helps are aspiring authors who want to self-publish and who have the challenge of not knowing where to start. She helps them get to their writing and get their book done.

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