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 Jill Badonsky is an artist, humorist, nationally recognized seminar leader, and creativity consultant.  And she wrote this fun book! So, I just had to ask her some questions about it because, well, the book looked like fun. Here’s what she had to say…


1. What was the funnest part of creating your book?

I can’t think of anything that wasn’t fun about writing The Awe-manac once I figured out the structure, which as easy as it looks took painfully long. The whole thing was a blast, picking out the events, making up the prompts, illustrating it. Fun motivates the inner kid that is so responsible for creative success so I make sure all my creative ventures contain an element of it.


2. What did you do when the creative process was not fun?

When I was unsuccessfully deciding the structure for a long time, I was definitely not having fun and was in fact very frustrated. I would just look at other things that gave me ideas, work on illustrations, or make up creative prompts which is one of my very favorite things to do.


3. I like to read books from back to front. Would you recommend doing that with your book?

The book lends itself to several intuitive approaches. Since each page is in a sense it’s own creative workshop, you can read it however the mood dictates, but it is kind of fun and magical to read what  events and prompts were chosen for the day we are presently living.

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