Tagged: Writing Tips


Tips on Writing Dialogue by Ken Myers

When it comes to writing dialogue I have noticed that many new writers especially get hung up. Their dialogue tends to sound stilted and dry and totally unrealistic.


Trippy Trips: A Game of Keeping Your Readers Fed by Wyatt Bessing

How often have you journeyed off to some exotic destination and brought along your notebook, expecting to record your observations in prose so eloquent and poetic that it would forever change the perceptions and very lives of your readers? Or you at least assumed that the wonder you felt would marginally translate itself to the page, all that majesty entering your words through osmosis?

from http://www.edupics.com/coloring-page-to-comb-one-s-hair-i19240.html 4

How to Edit Your Novel in 3 Steps

After writing your novel — be it a romance, mystery, thriller, fantasy, horror, or science fiction — and letting it sit — I let my novels sit for 1 year — edit your novel in layers.


The Economics of Creativity: What is The Cost of Inaction? #3

How much does it cost you to do nothing? Put another way: how much do your excuses cost? Cost. Money. Economy… Not words most artists even want to think about much less read. Nevertheless, ignoring the economics of creativity — of life — would be a real shame, since all we ever do is spend and receive energy


Procrastination: The Writer’s Favorite/Least Friend

I’m so happy to be surrounded by fun writing specialists who have unique takes on one of my favorite subjects, Procrastination. This post hails from Carrie Jaffe-Pickett, a Bay Area writer, editor and communications specialist. She may not realize it, but she’s a teacher too! Here’s her fabulous post on the writer’s least favorite friend*, Procrastination. (* The title isn’t a typo but a playful way to reframe procrastination. But that’s another story.)


The Choice Begins with You

Writing Tips: Choice Begins with You To write or not to write, that is the question. Here, the pen is mightier than the sword. I went to sleep last night thinking about choice, and...

Write a Sh*^@tty First Draft Fast 2

Write a Sh*^@tty First Draft Fast

The best and quickest way to start writing is to give yourself permission to write a shitty first draft. This great piece of advice was garnered from Anne Lamott’s book on writing and the...
