Tagged: writing fiction


Calling Dedicated Novelists

Welcome to Fall. It’s been a time of deep reflection for me and a time of celebration. I want to tell you about a new investment level for the upcoming Plan Your Novel course...


Turn Fan Fiction to Original Fiction by Erin Lale

There are many more things one could write about with respect to Norse mythology and the Norse gods (which is actually a misnomer, since the culture which gave rise to the mythology spanned the whole of northern Europe north of the Roman Empire and predated the development of modern nation-states.


Beating Your Scene into Action by Kay Keppler

Every scene you write should have a purpose. It should move the plot or develop a character. To keep your scenes active and give them some energy, think about the values that are at stake in each one.


How Do You Make a Dragon Real?

Welcome to our regular column from author and guest columnist, Bobbye Terry. In this column, she shares about how to help your reader suspend disbelief and make the reader feel like she is really there.


Is Time Travel Science Fiction?

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy this post from one of our monthly columnist, Bobbye Terry. *** Is Time Travel Science Fiction? Not too long ago, the owner of one of my listservs asked this question: is...


What Do You Write? Mystery, Suspense or Thriller?

Many have attempted to explain the difference between a mystery, a suspense and a thriller, often to no avail, as in this day and age, the definitions have become blurred. The suspense/thriller genius, Alfred...
