Tagged: overcome writer’s block


When It All Turns Bad by Jami Gray

In January I started a new series project. This time I did it right. During my writing career I’ve morphed from a complete pantser (one who dives in with no set plan) to an assisted pantser (one who must have significant sign posts to complete the story journey safely). With my first series, The Kyn Kronicles,


No Excuses, Get Writing Now

I don’t know about you, but I’m always coming up with ways to get myself to the page. I read encouraging blogs like Steven Pressfield’s; I carry a journal with me everywhere (Yeah, Moleskin!);...


The Four-Stage Creative Process #10

I’ve decided to syndicate my ebook Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Jumpstart Your Creativity on my blog, Writer’s Fun Zone. You can read the whole book here over the next 10 weeks, or buy...


How to Write a Book: Write Daily #9

I’ve decided to syndicate my ebook Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Jumpstart Your Creativity on my blog, Writer’s Fun Zone. You can read the whole book here over the next 10 weeks, or buy...


The Writers Block: Motivation To Write #1

What is this powerful, mysterious force that compels us to start to write, let alone continue day after day? At heart, it is passion. If you don’t know how to get started or are bored with your writing, it may be because you have lost touch with your passion. Identify the fire that electrifies your desire to write. Spark your passion, and quicken it. How? Read on!


Balancing Your Art and Body #6

Is your life balanced, with equal parts movement, play, rest and work? If you’re a modern person, juggling writing, a day job, and a family, the response is probably, “Balance? What are you talking about?” I invite you to look at this mix in your life. Most likely, we need to move more, play more and rest more. This article will address the moving part.


The Economics of Creativity: What is The Cost of Inaction? #3

How much does it cost you to do nothing? Put another way: how much do your excuses cost? Cost. Money. Economy… Not words most artists even want to think about much less read. Nevertheless, ignoring the economics of creativity — of life — would be a real shame, since all we ever do is spend and receive energy


Setting Goals, Writing to Win #2

I’ve decided to syndicate my ebook Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Jumpstart Your Creativity on my blog, Writer’s Fun Zone, over the next 10 weeks. You can read the whole book here over the...
