Ready for Writing Your Novel? Common Concerns by Beth Barany ☕️ 💗
You’re sitting down to work on your novel and you stare at the black screen or blank page with no ideas. Or maybe you know what you want to write, you just can’t bring...
by Beth Barany · Published November 11, 2021 · Last modified January 18, 2022
You’re sitting down to work on your novel and you stare at the black screen or blank page with no ideas. Or maybe you know what you want to write, you just can’t bring...
Do you want to write a novel? Then I recommend you prepare for Nanowrimo, National Novel Writing Month, which happens every November around the world. Check out our novel planning resources here: Course: Plan Your...
I love what Joie Seldon says here in her five minute video on Joy. Her short video is about emotional resilience and commitment. Two ingredients we need to write novels and be successful fiction writers. When...
Want to increase your word counts for your stories? Then join us for Camp Nanowrimo. Here’s how…
Author Nevada McPherson inspires with her call to be dedicated writers in this confusing never-before-lived age we are in right now.
If you want to get ready to write your first novel during Nanowrimo, (or anytime, really!) then check out our resources — courses and books and articles. That way you can start the writing...
Ready to write your novel? Read on for embracing the mystery and taking action… The creative process is a mystery. Writing a novel is part mystery, part exploration, part WTF. When we learn things...
Patience on the writing road ahead by writer and artist, Nevada McPherson. Thoughts on the writing process as she hits the midpoint of her novel.
Take precautions to back up your computer, whether its Windows or Mac, so that you don’t face crashes or restarts that erase your computer.
What motivates you as a writer? That’s what I would like to know. Do you want to leave a legacy? Do you want to write down your stories? Because. Just because. Because your characters...
How one writer is using NaNoWriMo to get specific with her characters, dig deeper into their motivations, and find the right words for what had previously been only pictures in her mind.
NaNoWriMo 2019 is right around the corner. Are you going to participate this year? Here are some simple tips for pansters to help you prep from novelist Tinthia Clemant.
An update in preparation for Nanowrimo by screenplay writer and novelist, Nevada McPherson. Get inspired and motivated to plan your novel in advance of Nanowrimo.
If November was a month-long typing party fueled by coffee and desperation to finally hit a NaNoWriMo deadline and word count (50,000), May is a quilting party of piecing this all together.
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Welcome to the Writer’s Fun Zone, a blog for creative writers by Beth Barany, fiction writing teacher and novelist.
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As a bonus, you will also be subscribed to the CreativitySparks (tm) newsletter, full of tips and tools for novelists building a successful career. (Sent 1-2 times per week) By Beth Barany, Editor and Publisher of the Writer's Fun Zone, and a Creativity Coaching for Writers, and a novelist herself.Beth Barany helps authors get their books completed and out into the world, into the hands of their readers.
Creativity Coach for Writers, NLP Master Practitioner, and Master Teacher, Beth Barany has been there and knows how hard it can be to take your idea and turn it into a real book, that people will actually be interested, and even yearning, to read.
She walks the talk, as her clients like to say. She is the author of the 2012 award-winning young adult fantasy novel Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, as well as the author of the bestselling nonfiction books for authors and aspiring authors.
Ready to finish your book but not sure how?
Hire Beth to help you or take a class at Barany School of Fiction. Or join her Group Coaching Program.
Still have questions? Email Beth.
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