Tagged: Mike Shatzkin


This Week of Publishing and Marketing

Literary agent, Nathan Bransford’s weekly fun and raucous report of the week’s publishing news: http://blog.nathanbransford.com/2010/10/this-week-in-publishing-10110.html Upcoming San Francisco literary event: LitQuake, Oct. 1-9, 2010 “Local authors rumble through pubs, clubs and libraries for Litquake,...


This Week in Book Marketing and Publishing

Today, I’m instituting a new tradition here at Writer’s Fun Zone, and will list some of the best resources I’ve found on book marketing and publishing. Ideally, this will be a weekly post, but nature and the gods may have other ideas. For now, it’s an idea I’m rolling with…


The Future of Publishing

The rapid series of developments in the digital book space and my rising profile mean that I seem to be in an interview with a journalist just about every day. As I was yesterday.
