Tagged: journaling


The Magic of Journaling by Catharine Bramkamp

We are writers. We write. Good, bad, ugly and sometimes completely indifferent work and words all scribbled down in the dark of night, or dawn. We often can’t help but write. And we often wonder if we are just wasting time. Turns out we aren’t.


Life’s Worse Experiences Can Be Gold? by Carol Malone

I adore watching the Olympics mostly because I love to watch the segments the reporters do on the athlete’s journey to win Olympic gold, or to just participate. Most, if not all, have had horrific challenges to overcome in their lives, and they were willing to share those experiences to the benefit of other Olympic hopefuls and the viewers. I especially love those who have overcome personally defeats and tragedies to rise to a individual victory.


How Do You Develop Your Characters?

My characters come to me in a flash, like my heroine, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (Book 1), acting out her tales of heroism, by reciting her tale while tumbling and jabbing with an imaginary...


Author Entrepreneur: Failing at Journaling

I am failing at journal writing. I’m participating in two journaling communities in which you share your day and your posts and in doing so, you will magically chart your inextricably progress towards the achievement of self-realization and future success.
