Tagged: journal


Writing Resistance: We Can Overcome! By Catharine Bramkamp

A student was finding it difficult to journal. She didn’t have the time. There is a great deal behind the simple phrase, I don’t have time. We say this in answer to many projects that ironically, we desperately want to do: our journals, our books, our art, our education.


Momentum + Joy = Summer MOJO! By Nevada McPherson

The summer is almost here which for some means sun and fun, and for others it means possible blocks of time to get some real writing done. What is “real writing”? Real writing is working on a project that’s meaningful, to you and that you expect (or would hope) is meaningful to others. It’s writing with a purpose and direction, with the aim of completion and of course, with the intent of sharing it.


Life’s Worse Experiences Can Be Gold? by Carol Malone

I adore watching the Olympics mostly because I love to watch the segments the reporters do on the athlete’s journey to win Olympic gold, or to just participate. Most, if not all, have had horrific challenges to overcome in their lives, and they were willing to share those experiences to the benefit of other Olympic hopefuls and the viewers. I especially love those who have overcome personally defeats and tragedies to rise to a individual victory.


Q&A with Award-winning author Lisa Boragine

L. Heller Boragine was born in Colombia, South America. She is fluent in Spanish and English. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Vermont in Environmental Studies, a masters degree in Speech Communication from Syracuse University, and has 20 years experience teaching Communications studies and coaching academic debate.
