I Finished My First Draft! Time to Panic by Kirsten McNeill
What happens when I finish my first draft? Try not to panic! Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself from Kirsten McNeill.
What happens when I finish my first draft? Try not to panic! Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself from Kirsten McNeill.
NaNoWriMo is nearly over. So what now? With Ezra Barany – How To Write the Future podcast, episode 73 “It took me a while to get to this point, but I printed out my...
You’ve written your first draft of your novel, but your rough draft is way too long! Join author Daniel Rice as he tells you what’s next.
by Guest Contributor · Published August 19, 2022 · Last modified August 16, 2022
A crappy first draft can be the step between an idea and a bestseller, silence your inner editor and write that first draft without judgment.
Discover how to greatly improve your manuscript with revision and feedback with these step-by-step tips in this interview with writing teacher Bonnie Johnston by Karen Ferreira.
If you want to want to write a novel, but the idea of writing a 100,000-word novel overwhelms you, start by thinking and planning your story in acts. Lots of ways to do that…
NaNoWriMo 2019 is right around the corner. Are you going to participate this year? Here are some simple tips for pansters to help you prep from novelist Tinthia Clemant.
Today we welcome a new guest writer to Writer’s Fun Zone, Sarah Chauncey, who is stopping by to chat with us about “Identifying Your Ideal Reader.” Enjoy!
In this post, learn how much writing you can do in 15 minutes. *** Beth here. Hi! It’s 1:35pm and I sit in a warm cafe drinking tea and staring out the window. Okay,...
Even to the most experienced of writers, pounding out a book in a month can seem crazy, but as many NaNoWriMoers can attest, it’s doable. And therein lies the contradiction of any marathon.
If you’ve ever tried to write a book in a short amount of time, you know what a daunting task it can be. But you don’t have to stumble through the process alone.
“I have a book in me,” she said. “But I don’t know what it is.”
Ah, therein lies the rub. Or however that saying goes.
How do we go about discovering our book inside?
The answer is surprisingly simple, but not easy.
The best and quickest way to start writing is to give yourself permission to write a shitty first draft. This great piece of advice was garnered from Anne Lamott’s book on writing and the...
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As a bonus, you will also be subscribed to the CreativitySparks (tm) newsletter, full of tips and tools for novelists building a successful career. (Sent 1-2 times per week) By Beth Barany, Editor and Publisher of the Writer's Fun Zone, and a Creativity Coaching for Writers, and a novelist herself.Beth Barany helps authors get their books completed and out into the world, into the hands of their readers.
Creativity Coach for Writers, NLP Master Practitioner, and Master Teacher, Beth Barany has been there and knows how hard it can be to take your idea and turn it into a real book, that people will actually be interested, and even yearning, to read.
She walks the talk, as her clients like to say. She is the author of the 2012 award-winning young adult fantasy novel Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, as well as the author of the bestselling nonfiction books for authors and aspiring authors.
Ready to finish your book but not sure how?
Hire Beth to help you or take a class at Barany School of Fiction. Or join her Group Coaching Program.
Still have questions? Email Beth.
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