Tagged: copyright

How Long Does Copyright Last? by Kelley Way 0

How Long Does Copyright Last? by Kelley Way

When you protect a work, how long does copyright last? Well, it varies. Novelist and lawyer Kelley Way explains two copyright acts, how long the protections are, and which works these acts apply to.

What is Copyright? by Kelley Way 0

What is Copyright? by Kelley Way

Most everyone has heard of copyright but there’s still some confusion on what is copyright and what it protects. Read for a clear explanation from author and estate planner, Kelley Way.

Work for Hire: Who Owns the Copyright? by Kelley Way 0

Work for Hire: Who Owns the Copyright? by Kelley Way

Who owns the copyright when you are hired to work for another person or company? It can be complicated, yet you can navigate this intellectual property issue. Let’s discuss the Work for Hire Doctrine with literary and estate lawyer, Kelley Way.


Why Register a Copyright? by Kelley Way

I’ve had several people reach out to me over the last month regarding a recent Supreme Court case, Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corporation v. Wall-Street.com. The ruling made them worry about their ability to protect their copyrights. For those who aren’t aware of the case, here are the details:
