Tagged: Chloe Adler


Time Management – How to Eek Out More Time by Chloe Adler

I wrote one blog on the tools one can use for productivity before at and all of those tools still stand. They’re all great. What I found was that I used too many at once and that didn’t end up working well for me as I spent more time inputting and checking off than was necessary.


The Series Bible by Chloe Adler

The first thing to determine is how you see things. How does your brain work? Some people need everything on paper in a notebook where they can physically touch a page – while others like to store items on the computer. Do you need it to be accessible everywhere? Like in the cloud?


The Writing Trap by Chloe Adler

Take Years to Perfect Your Novel or Publish Now? I listen to a lot of podcasts, podcasts about writing, podcasts about marketing, and podcasts about business.
