Tagged: book review


Q&A with Hayley of Hayley’s Reviews, a YA Book Blogger

My name is Hayley Guertin, and I live in Ontario, Canada with my mom and my dog Jax. I got into reading when I was 10, and even before that, I used to pick books over toys anytime. My hobbies include listening to music and working on reviews. (I feel like I’m on a dating website.)


Writing Advice from Confessed Chocolate Lover and Book Review of Theft By Chocolate

Today I do something I’ve never done here at Writer’s Fun Zone: I feature a book review AND an author article, both about the new fun mystery, Theft By Chocolate by Luba Lesychyn. We’re also featuring a book giveaway for a copy of Luba’s book here on this blog, so comment below to enter. Lastly, you can enter Luba’s Grand Prize Giveaway for a $150 gift certificate for chocolate. Yes, I did say Chocolate!


Book Review: Inside Out by Maria Synder

Inside Out by Maria Snyder — A Book Review by Beth Barany — Trella is a 17 year-old who has only known white walls, tubes, square hallways, care mates, and a life of drudgery.

And she’s not like the rest of those sheep, all the others who live on her level, under those who have more and better lives who control their lives from the upper levels.
