Category: Author Career


How I Wrote My Book in 1 Week

Let me say I am the type of writer who uses the “creative” method for writing a book. What this translates into is an endless stack of projects I’ve started, but never finished. The main point of this article isn’t so much that I finished a book in a week — it’s that I finished a book at all!


Top 20 Book Fairs for Summer and Fall 2012

“Book fairs and festivals offer authors an excellent place to interact with fellow authors and publishers, network with book industry leaders, locate the help you need, such as a publicist or book editor, and learn what’s new in the marketplace. Here is a list of 20 book fairs and events that are worthy of your attendance.”


Using Real People in Stories – Part 1

One of the more frequent questions I am asked is whether an author can use a person’s name, life story, or attributes in his or her novel. It’s a thorny issue, which is not surprising when a person’s reputation, privacy, and/or identity is involved. To make matters worse, there are few, if any, federal laws on this subject, so what claims an angry plaintiff can pursue, and the nature of those claims, will vary from state to state.


Artist Entrepreneur: L for Lessons— The Artist’s Alphabet Guide to Writing About Your Art by Aletta de Wal

One of my clients recently asked me to help her design a series of classes about a watercolor technique she has developed for beginners. My work with her inspired this post. I highly recommend starting with a mind map to help you select what you want to convey in your course. Here’s an example the ‘big picture’ visual draft I created that you can use to write your own class designs and get the word out to potential students.

7 Rocks to Being an Author of a Bestseller 3

7 Rocks to Being an Author of a Bestseller

Say you have a jar full of rocks, pebbles, and sand. Each rock, pebble, and grain of sand represents a step you can take to being a bestselling author, a full jar. Some steps take more time than others, some cost more money to do, but time and money are not a reflection of the size of the stones. Instead, the size refers to how effective each step is in reaching your goal. If you only have the time and money to put in 7 things, doesn’t it make sense that you should focus on the ones that are large rocks instead of the tiny pebbles?


Creating Time

People used to be tied to things like families, communities, rituals, worship, curiosity, and beauty. Now we are tied to schedules, watches, datebooks, computers, and keeping up with the latest gadgets that start with i. It seems like time is going by faster than ever these days, and we’re all exhaustively trying to find, chase, save, and manage time.

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Increase Your Book Sales with Anthology Submissions

Many authors think getting their work published in an anthology is great for visibility. They’re right. But not for the reason they think. If you self-publish, you then tell all your friends and family about the book. But with an anthology, you now have all the contributing authors tell all their friends and all their families about the book. The amount of people who hear about the anthology and see your published name can be ten times as many!


Artist Entrepreneur: Career Tips for Authors

Those who have the most powerful visions for their work, passion, persistence, determination, resilience and focus are the ones who bring it about. Decide who you want to become. Here are three ways to focus your time and energy so that you are not sitting around waiting for the book sales to come in.

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How to Write and Receive Great Testimonials – With Sample Testimonials

Many entrepreneurs think any testimonial a client writes is a good testimonial. The truth is that many testimonials sound so much like fluff, prospective clients will ignore them. And if you just give guidelines to your clients or sample testimonials to choose from, your testimonials will be priceless!


How to Register a Copyright

I’ve been asked several times to help someone register his or her copyright. At the risk of inciting the wrath of my fellow copyright attorneys, I’ll put in print what I’ve told these people: while I’m happy to do so, you don’t need an attorney to file a copyright.


Authors, What to Do When You’re Feeling Stuck

When you step into your vision and begin running forward into your new self, life and your ego will create reasons to stop. Some of those things might be out of our hands and some are created by us, whether consciously or subconsciously. The resilient and purpose-driven author will continue forward despite setbacks to create the success they desire.


Artist Entrepreneur: I for Installation— The Artist’s Alphabet Guide to Writing About Your Art by Aletta de Wal

I read a recent blog post about collectors who asked an artist to cut down a painting they bought from him because it was too big to fit over the couch. The artist’s snarky reply was to cut the legs off the couch. I expected a backlash, but to my surprise, the collectors followed the advice and liked the end result. (guest columnist, Aletta de Wal)
