Q&A with Thriller Writer, Céline Perron

Q&A with Thriller Writer, Céline PerronPlease welcome Céline Perron to our Featured Author Q&A series at Writer’s Fun Zone. Enjoy!


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Céline Perron was born in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario and now lives in a small community outside of Ottawa, Ontario. In 2018 she graduated post-secondary with a Master of Arts Degree in Criminology. In addition to writing, she works full-time as a Fraud Investigator.

When not writing or working, Céline enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching crime shows, and working through her ever growing TBR pile. Céline is currently working on her next book.

On to our interview!

Q: Tell us who you are and what inspires you to write.

A. I’m a Canadian Indie author who also works as a Fraud Investigator. I’m a lover of books and all things crime related (MA in Criminology). I’ve found a passion in writing which I love to share with family and friends who mean the world to me. When not buried in pages, I travel when I can and am forever adding to my never ending playlist of mixed genres.

Q: How did you get to this place in your life? Share your story!

A. It’s been a long road for sure, but the short answer is that I have a bad habit of proving people wrong, especially when they’ve taken to underestimating me. My goals have always been to achieve my dreams and be as good of a daughter, sister, cousine, niece, and friend that I can be. I’ve learned that lessons can be taught even outside a classroom setting. And above all, that when you work hard for something, something you really want, one day it can be yours.

Q:  What are you most passionate about?

A. I’m passionate about living a full life I can be proud of. I value the family I was born into and appreciate the small group of friends that I consider the family I’ve chosen along the way.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your writing process, routine, and/or rituals around your writing?

A. For me, I’ve always been inspired by the idea first. The rest of the story comes over countless hours of imagining “what if” scenarios in my mind until a story starts to take shape. I’ve always had an active imagination so writing gives me the freedom to let my mind run wild with possibilities of what could happen to my characters.

Afterwards I’ll begin diving into who the characters are, what they want, and what will be the challenges they face along the way. And my favourite: what will I do to prevent them from getting what they want?

Once I feel that the story is well underway I’ll begin writing. I’ll have a framework of the story in place but I like to still have the freedom to add in a new scene or plot point if necessary. Before long I have a book. And that’s just the beginning.

Q: What are a few challenges you faced in creating, marketing, or publishing your creative work? And your solutions to them.

A. Who knew writing a book would be the easy part? Ha. As with everything there is a learning curve.

Not only that, but there will be countless people along the way who will tell you they have all the answers. I’ve learned that it’s important to keep your goal in mind when it comes to your publishing process.

It’s great to learn from others but you don’t want the project to get away from you. I like to think that I’ve maintained a level headedness when it comes to these instances but if I was being honest I would have to say that my stubbornness fits in there as well.

Q: What do you wish you had known before you started writing fiction?

Write as if no one is watching, because no one is watching — Dan Brown.

A. It seems silly I know but when I began writing I would always get nervous about writing certain scenes and stressing over what family, friends, or people that knew me would think.

Something as a simple intimate scene between two characters would make me blush like crazy worried about how it would come back to bite me. But in the end, people would come up to me and admit how much they loved my writing and how descriptive it was.

I am glad I pushed past the unease I felt back then because now I know I have a talent here, one I look forward to building upon in the years to come.

Q: What’s next for you in your creative work?

A. Write, write and more writing. Haha!

I’ve opened a door here that I have no intention of closing. Not only that but I have just released the first book in a series and I am so excited – and invested – in seeing it through to the end.

After that, who knows, but my imagination is always coming up with something so I have no doubt that a new story idea is on the horizon.

For now I plan to continue on my career as a Fraud Investigator but love that I can also follow my passion at the same time.

The Caged CurseThe Caged Curse

High School is bad enough, but for Nora Palmer, things are about to get even worse…

* * *

When a family curse unexpectedly claims Nora after suffering a freak accident, tortured souls of the dead begin seeking her out – and some for more reasons than one.

As if her troubles aren’t bad enough, the once presumed missing wife of a prominent local politician shows up in her bedroom – yup, as a ghost – confessing she’d been murdered, sending Nora on a journey she never anticipated.

Now on the hunt to solve a murder. That no one else knows about. Hunting a cold-blooded killer – who could potentially be a high-profile member of society – Nora must learn to trust her newfound abilities as well as some old acquaintances if she has any hope of helping this woman find justice for what happened to her. But will she solve the murder in time?

The dead are finding Nora, but not all of them want her help.

For the dark has many sinister games at play and they want Nora’s power.

One way or another…

* * *

For fans of Meg Cabot’s Mediator Series and Kelly Armstrong’s The Darkest Powers.

Connect with Céline Perron

Website: http://www.celineperron.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celineperron.writer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celineperronwriter

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