Essential Keys to Story Planning with Beth Barany

Today, Wednesday, Sept. 11, 7-9pm, I’m presenting to the Napa Valley Writers, a branch of the California Writers Club, “Essential Keys to Story Planning.”

What are the Essential Keys to Story Planning? Read on.

It’s your dream to be a novelist, to touch readers’ hearts and minds, to excite and wow them, to transport them. And to build a career with your books.

But you don’t know where to begin. Starting is hard. Things like creating an outline, scenes, or conflict may be confusing or strange or no fun at all. Perhaps crafting compelling three-dimensional characters stumps you.

Or maybe you’ve been stuck in the middle of writing your first novel (or fifth) for way too long.

That’s hard.

We know. As a working novelist, I’ve been there many, many times.

But there is hope.

In this hands-on workshop, I’ll help you brainstorm the steps to create your novel—from character development to plot structure to story themes and world building—so you can start writing your novel with clarity and confidence.

We’ll do bite-sized exercises step-by-step to help you stretch your imagination and get excited about the writing process.

If you have never written a novel, still feel lost on how to go from brilliant idea to The End, or always hit that sagging middle and lose focus, this workshop will help you dream up exciting ways to torture, I mean challenge, your characters all the way to the resolution of the story.

Essential Keys

Bring your writing implements and get ready to brainstorm on the page:

  • the essential elements of your story
  • your theme and premise
  • your character’s story goal and big why
  • your character’s fears and challenges
  • the basic story outline rooted in the character’s problems
  • key aspects of your story world

Registration details here: Napa Valley Writers.

Hope you can join us at this event or one in the future!

Thank you Napa Valley Writers for hosting me.

Stay tuned! I’ll be teaching a half-day workshop to the Napa Valley Writers on Saturday, October 5, 2019. Details will be posted here.


Are you having fun with your writing process? If not, talk to a writing coach and bring joy back into your creative life? Sign up here for a Discovery Call and see if working with a Creativity Coach for Writers is for you.



Beth Barany specializes in helping genre fiction writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers.

Start with her Writer Discovery Course here:

Beth runs an online school for fiction writers and a 12-month group coaching program to help them get published.

“Barany School of Fiction has some excellent courses and you get terrific feedback from the instructors Beth and Ezra. They are particularly good for the free-spirit, pantser type, because they are quite flexible and open-minded.” –– Nicole Mackey, Fantasy Writer

NEWEST BOOK: Plan Your Novel Like A Pro

Plan Your Novel Like A Pro: And Have Fun Doing It! by Beth and Ezra BaranyThis book will help you get excited to plan your novel. The tools shared here are designed to spark your muse and give you confidence when you sit down to write your story. Plan Your Novel Like A Pro: And Have Fun Doing It! is for organic writers and pansters who want a roadmap to follow, so that they can let their creativity loose.

In print and digital. Buy Links | Read an excerpt here.

** Is this you? => Are you a podcaster or blogger and would like to feature PLAN YOUR NOVEL LIKE A PRO on your channel? Review copies available. Contact me and let me know. Thanks!

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