We Write Alone. We Succeed Together.

It’s been a crazy time at casa Barany. A pipe burst in a neighbor’s apartment two floors up about two weeks ago, and we’ve been displaced ever since.

Luckily, everyone is okay — neighbors and our cats and us.

There’s just lots of wet on lots of books, shelves, and the rug.

The kitchen caught the brunt of it. Then the water spread through the dining room, the living room, my office, and our housemate’s room.

Luckily our bedroom is fine, which is great since that’s kitty headquarters. Until we moved into a residence hotel a week ago.

I’ve had to cancel some classes and coaching calls. So sorry about that.

We’ll get back on an even keel soon. Thanks for everyone’s messages and emails. So appreciate it.

Through the chaos I have been editing my next nonfiction book — this one is on crafting compelling characters, and editing book two in my science fiction mystery series.

It’s a soothing balm to my soul to put these two activities first. I even get up early to do so. First the fiction and then the non fiction.

But I couldn’t do any of this with the support I’ve built around over the years: friends, writing buddies, critique partners, early readers, reviewers, and you. Running the business and helping other writers keeps me honest and helps me stay accountable.

I really do think it takes a village for a writer to keep going in the hard times and soar in the good times, and stay the course in the in-between times.

If you’ve felt like you’ve gone as far as you could on your own and now want more support to reach your goals as a novelist, then check out our Group Coaching Program for Genre Novelists, a 12-month program.

This program is for authors who have completed at least one manuscript and want to become professional novelists, even if it’s a part-time endeavor.

A professional novelist seeks to learn how to edit their own work, show up for the hard regular writing, and can ask for help in learning the things they don’t know.

The kind of professional novelists we foster in our group are quirky, dedicated, earnest, excited about the art and craft of writing fiction, and are committed to the long and mysterious path to success.

And that’s another thing: they’re willing to explore and then define what success means for them.

I’ve extended the Early Enrollment Bonuses for those who register by Friday, Dec. 21st, 9pm PT.

One of the bonuses is “Your Writer’s Adventure Guide” webinar.

This special live training class will help you focus on your writer’s goal, your motivation for writing, your challenges, and your strengths.

“Your Writer’s Adventure Guide” webinar:

DATE: Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 2019, 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET.

Via Zoom. Comes with handouts and replay recording.

This special webinar will be for all new members who register early and all current members.

Other bonuses include:

  • A copy of our newest book, Plan Your Novel Like A Pro, and
  • A critique of your 1st 10 manuscript pages by me
  • and 1-hour coaching/consulting session with me via phone or Zoom. We can do a deep dive into any aspect of your book or into your writer’s motivation, life, or inspiration.

To learn more about our group and the Early Enrollment Bonuses (there are 3 more!), go here:


Have a happy and creative week! Happy writing!



About Beth Barany

Beth Barany, Award-winning fantasy novelist, Master Teacher, Creativity Coach for Writers, BaranySchoolofFiction.comBeth Barany is an award-winning novelist, master neuro-linguistic programming practitioner, and certified creativity coach for writers. She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. Her courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. She runs an online school for fiction writers and a 12-month group coaching program to help them get published. More resources on publishing, book marketing, and novel writing are on her blog, Writer’s Fun Zone. When she’s not helping writers, Beth writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives.
