QUIZ: Are you ready to start your novel?
Check any of the statements below that are true for you.
____ I know what I want to write about but I don’t know how to begin.
____ I don’t know what I want to write about, but I want to write a novel.
____ I’ve started a novel, but now I’m stuck.
____ I’m half-way through my book, and now I’m stuck.
____ I’m three-quarters of the way through my novel, and now I’m stuck.
____ I’ve jotted down notes for hundreds of stories, but I can’t seem to start any of them.
____ My idea sucks but I can’t seem to get it out of my head.
____ I have a great a idea for a novel. Would you write it for me? (Okay, this one is a joke!)
How did you do on this quiz? 🙂 If you said yes to any of the above, our upcoming course on story development and planning may be right for you.
If you didn’t say yes to any of the above, then check out this post on the “Stages of Writing a Novel” to see which stage you are in.
More on our course that starts in just a few days!
Join us for our 4th Annual Plan Your Novel: 30-Day Writing Challenge Live course starting soon.
Dates: October 1-31, 2017
A bonus day this year!
Registration closes: Oct. 1st.
Class size limited to 30 students.
— Be sure to use your coupon code if you have one!
BONUS: Sign up by Sept. 30, 2017 and get the bonus course, “Create Compelling Characters.” ($80 value)
Questions or comments? Let me know. And if you’re not sure if this course is right for you, let me know and we can chat about it.
Here’s to your creativity! Happy writing!
All my best,
PS. If I left anything off this quiz post it in the comments below.