Coming soon! Writing Workshop of San Francisco + Pitch to Agents!

chuck-sambucino-imgChuck Sambuchino asked me to share this with the writers I know!


The Writing Workshop of San Francisco (Sept. 10, 2016) is a one-day writers conference coming up soon. See the official website here:

The event is filled with instructional sessions on getting published, your publishing options today, getting an agent, and more. There is a panel where the event faculty (agents) hear attendees’ anonymous first pages read aloud and give helpful feedback. The amazing event faculty, all of whom are meeting with writers to take pitches, includes the following literary agents:

— Paul S. Levine (Paul S. Levine Literary)
— Chelsea Lindman (Greenburger Associates)
— Elizabeth Kracht (Kimberley Cameron Literary Agency)
— Laurie McLean (Fuse Literary)
— Carlie Webber (CK Webber Associates Literary)
— Laurie Fox (Linda Chester Literary Agency)
— Mary C. Moore (Kimberley Cameron Literary Agency)
— Andy Ross (Andy Ross Agency)
— Patricia Nelson (Marsal Lyon Literary)
— Chiara Rosati (Veritas Literary Agency)
— Lisa Abellera (Kimberley Cameron Literary Agency)

the 2016 Writing Workshop of San Francisco: Sept. 10, 2016

Editor’s note: Good luck! And if you’d like one-on-one support to prepare your pitch, contact Beth Barany (me) for a Discovery Call to see how best I can support you.

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