Book Production for Self-Publishing Novelists with @Beth_Barany #askaWritingCoach

Book Production for Self-Publishing Novelists #askaWritingCoach w/ @Beth_Barany

In my live #askaWritingCoach chat this week, I shared book production tips for self-publishing novelists. I answered questions and shared resources. And as I do each week, I gave away prizes to those people who showed up live and asked questions.

I offered up a choice of three digital gifts this week and picked two winners. Congratulations!A Cupcake Christmas (Touchstone #5), Twitter for Authors: Social Media Book Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (Book 1).

When you show up live and ask questions, you have a chance to win prizes! We reward action over here.

Free Gifts

I offered to everyone who can to the show today and to you who get the link to the archives:

Free Gifts for Writers.


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  • steve says:

    What are the things to make sure you’ve done right when you put it into final form. Are there things you should avid doing?

  • Beth Barany says:

    Test your ebook in multiple formats on multiple devices, and be sure to proof your manuscript before publishing. Hope that helps! As for what to avoid — don’t put out something you’re not proud of and don’t promote.

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