Webinar: How Novelists Can Target Genre for Big Sales without Selling Out


Special Free Webinar: "How Novelists Can Target Genre for Big Sales without Selling Out"

In this webinar, we’re going to look at how to target genre for big sales.

All too often writers pen a great novel, but despite tremendous effort and utilizing top marketing strategies, their books languish in obscurity.

How can self-publishing authors get their books to top the best-seller and search results lists?

By using a two-fold strategy that focuses on finding a high-demand low-competition niche genre and then writing and designing novels to fit that genre perfectly.

This webinar will cover these four key points:

1. Understanding what genre is and how Amazon interprets your book’s genre

2. How to find a niche genre that has high demand but manageable competition

3. How to deconstruct books in your genre to know how to write to fit in and sell well

4. How to optimize your Amazon product page for discoverability.

Learning the strategies of these four key aspects of targeting genre will give writers the best chance at discoverability and big sales.

Don’t waste years trying to figure out the secret to discoverability.

Join in the webinar and learn how to apply these strategies today!



Date: Monday, April 25, 2016
Time: 3pm PT | 4pm MT | 5pm CT | 6pm ET
How: Special Free Webinar!

Space is limited to 50 spots, so sign up early, and show up early.

We’re excited to bring you editor and novelist, C.S. Lakin, as our guest for this special webinar, hosted by Beth Barany, publisher of the Writer’s Fun Zone and Creativity Coach and Teacher for dedicated genre novelists.

Click to Tweet: Special Free Webinar: “How Novelists Can Target Genre For Big Sales Without Selling Out” 4/25 3pm PT Sign up: http://bethb.net/WFZweb42516Click to Tweet: Special Free Webinar:


Special Free Webinar: "How Novelists Can Target Genre for Big Sales without Selling Out"C. S. Lakin is the award-winning author of twenty-two books and blogger at Live Write Thrive, a top-ten site for writers. She works as a copyeditor and writing coach in the book publishing industry, specializing in manuscript critiques. Her writing craft book series, The Writer’s Toolbox, teaches aspiring and experienced novelists how to write terrific stories. She loves nothing more than to help writers craft stellar novels and experience success and joy in their writing journey.



Special Free Webinar: "How Novelists Can Target Genre for Big Sales without Selling Out"



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